CCNP Маршрутизация и коммутация в крупных сетях Cisco
[caption id="attachment_170" align="alignright" width="300"]Cisco Cisco[/caption] Год выпуска: 2014 Продолжительность: 32:27:36 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Русский Стоимость: 14999 рублей Курс CCNP: Маршрутизация и коммутация в крупных сетях Cisco – это официальная подготовка ко всем трем экзаменам, необходимым для получения профессионального сертификата Cisco CCNP: 642-902 ROUTE Implementing Cisco IP Routing 642-813 SWITCH Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks 642-832 TSHOOT Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks Сертификат CCNP – это конкурентное преимущество, открывающее перед вами новые перспективы развития карьеры и качественно иной стиль жизни. Согласно опросам, наличие сертификата CCNP напрямую влияет на уровень заработной платы и значительно повышает шансы на продвижение по службе. Необходимая квалификация: действующий сертификат CCNA [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ]
  • осуществлять расширенную настройку протоколов динамической маршрутизации EIGRP, OSPF и BGP
  • управлять обновлениями и фильтрацией протоколов маршрутизации
  • внедрять протокол IPv6 в сети предприятия
  • проектировать и настраивать отказоустойчивые коммутируемые сети
  • обеспечивать защиту коммутируемой сети от распространенных сетевых уязвимостей внутри предприятия
  • устранять отказы в сложных интегрированных коммутируемых и маршутизируемых сетях, в инфраструктуре, обеспечивающей безопасность
  • и многое другое в рамках официальной подготовки к CCNP[/wpspoiler]
Кто знает, тот успешен
Cisco CCNP Security VPN v2.0 642-648
Год выпуска: 2013CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Keith Barker Продолжительность: 10:27:36 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: This Cisco video training course with Keith Barker covers securing virtual private networks, including topics such as VPN profiles and policies, Cisco Secure Desktop, GNS3, and more. Related area of expertise: Cisco security Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) allow millions of remote users to safely and securely access corporate resources. Learn to design, implement and troubleshoot ASA-based SSL and IPsec VPN solutions. From clientless SSL VPNs to high availability, including troubleshooting, Keith guides you through each topic on the 642-648 exam. Plus, he shows you how to get crucial hands-on practice of every VPN for real-world implementation. If you’re working towards a CCNP, this course is for you. Keith maps his training to all objectives of the 642-648 exam, which goes towards CCNP Security, ASA Specialist and IPS Specialist certifications. Network pros who support VPN users will also find significant value in this course, which is packed with content that directly applies to real-world implementation of VPNs. To take full advantage of this course, the learner should be familiar with the fundamentals of the ASA, which is available in CBT Nuggets' CCNP Security Firewall course. [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. Welcome to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Getting the Most from this Course (00:11:10) Welcome to the Firewall VPN course! In this opening Nugget, Keith describes what to expect from this course and how to get the most from it. Lets get started! 2. ASA VPN Options (00:41:19) Knowing the choices available, based on the business need, is an important first step to implementing the correct Virtual Private Network (VPN) on the ASA. In this video, Keith reviews the benefits of using VPNs, and discusses the multiple types of VPNs, including Remote Access (RA), Site to Site along with options regarding using a client (such as SSL AnyConnect or the IPsec VPN client), and the clientless SSL VPN. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement a security high-level design according to policy and environmental requirements by identifying Cisco ASA AnyConnect client features and supporting technologies 3. VPN Profiles and Policies (00:35:26) When remote access customers connect to a VPN gateway, a connection profile, user profile and up to three separate group policies can all be used to implement the rules that govern the user's VPN session. What happens when these policies conflict with each other, and how do we determine which of the policies will take precedence? In this video, Keith discusses all those questions and more as you learn about the policy flow for remote access VPNs, with examples of how to implement and verify each of the policies involved and see where they are configured. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement ASA VPN connection profiles, group policies, and user policies. 4. Implementing Clientless SSL VPNs (00:44:45) In this video, Keith walks you through implementing a Clientless SSL VPN configuration on the ASA, based on a set of policy requirements. The process of creating a user, connection profile and policy group (and how to correctly integrate them together) will be discussed, demonstrated and verified. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement ASA VPN connection profiles, group policies, and user policies; Implement a security high level design according to policy and environmental requirements by identifying Cisco ASA clientless SSL VPN features and supporting technologies; Implement basic Clientless SSL VPN operations using ASDM 5. SSL and IPsec Technologies (00:30:01) Both SSL and IPsec can be used to implement the authentication, data integrity and confidentiality for our VPNs. In this video, Keith takes you behind the scenes to discover how these protocols implement these features. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) concepts: Describe SSL and IPsec technolgies 6. Plugging into the PKI (00:25:41) One of the big benefits of SSL is that a client can authenticate a server by verifying the signature on a digital certificate. But what happens when a browser message informs the user that the certificate may not be valid? An educated user would not accept the certificate, and the SSL process would stop there. To avoid a certificate error message, our SSL VPN gateway needs to have its own identity certificate, which is correctly signed by a trusted CA server. If that trusted CA server is participating in the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), then most of the web browsers on the planet will already trust the CA and be able to verify the CA signature on certificates the client receives (including the one sent to the client from the ASA). In this video Keith walks you through the process of adding a new CA to the ASA (authenticating the CA), and requesting an identity certificate from the CA (enrolling) with the CA. This video also demonstrates how to associate the new identity certificate with the SSL VPN server function on the ASA. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) operations using Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM); Monitor and verify the resulting CLI commands resulting from the various VPN configurations on the ASA 7. AnyConnect SSL VPNs (00:40:17) The AnyConnect SSL VPN client software is the primary full tunnel client used for SSL VPN connections in a Cisco remote access VPN solution. In this video, Keith walks you through the logic of how the AnyConnect client works and the step-by-step process for installing and verifying that it is working correctly. Split tunneling is also introduced, explained and demonstrated in this video. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement ASA VPN connection profiles, group policies, and user policies; Monitor and verify the resulting CLI commands resulting from the various VPN configurations on the ASA; Implement a security high-level design according to policy and environmental requirements by identifying Cisco ASA AnyConnect client features and supporting technologies; Implement basic AnyConnect 3.0 full tunnel SSL VPN operations. 8. Smart Tunnels and Plugins (00:25:06) The Clientless SSL VPN can be tweaked to allow more than just HTTP/S, FTP and CIFS through the use of plugins and smart tunnels, and still not require the end user to have local administrator rights on the local computer. The functionality of RDP, VNC, SSH and more can be facilitated through the Clientless SSL VPN. In this video, Keith discusses the features available, and how to configure and test these features. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement advanced applications access for the Clientless SSL VPN using ASDM. 9. IPsec RA VPNs (00:41:50) IPsec Remote Access VPNs using the traditional VPN software client is still a very popular option being used to connect customers to the resources they need. In this video, Keith reviews the details of IPsec and then walks through the implementation on both the ASA and the remote computer, as well as the verification of IPsec RA VPNs from ASDM and the CLI of the ASA. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement ASA VPN connection profiles, group policies, and user policies; Monitor and verify the resulting CLI commands resulting from the various VPN configurations on the ASA; Implement basic EZVPN server operations on the ASA using ASDM 10. Digital Certificates with IPsec Clients (00:28:52) Pre-shared keys don't scale, and the solution is to use the PKI and digital certificates on both the ASA and the clients for the authentication of IKE phase 1. In this video, Keith walks you through the step by step process of adding a digital certificate to the IPsec VPN software client, and then configuring both the client and the server to correctly use the certificates. Troubleshooting (an ever-important skill when working with VPNs) is also introduced to identify issues that might otherwise cause an IPsec VPN to fail. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement ASA VPN connection profiles; Implement certificate maps using ASDM 11. Site to Site IPsec VPNs (00:56:20) Using the Internet, companies can build VPN tunnels between two sites, leveraging IPsec's ability to provide authentication, data integrity and authentication services. In this video Keith discusses the traditional IPsec of IKE version 1, as well as the newer IKE version 2. This Nugget includes the implementation and verification of the IKEv2 site to site technology. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement ASA VPN connection profiles and group policies; Implement a security high-level design and identify ASA IPsec S2S VPN features and supporting technologies; Implement basic IPsec S2S VPN operations with PSK using ASDM; Implement basic IKEv2 based IPsec S2S VPN operations using ASDM; Troubleshoot the initial provisioning of IPsec S2S VPNs due to misconfiguration. 12. AAA VPN Authentication (00:24:12) (Musical intro) Whooooo are you.....who who, who who? It's a question that needs to be answered by every incoming VPN connection. In this video, Keith walks you through setting up the ASA to use a centralized RADIUS server, and how associate that server with a specific VPN connection profile. Multi-factor authentication and implementing policy from a AAA server is also discussed and demonstrated. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement local and external VPN authorization using ASDM; Implement VPN session accounting using ASDM; Implement advanced authentication using ASDM. 13. Troubleshooting Clientless SSL VPNs (00:24:52) Why is the policy I just configured and saved, not being implemented on the VPN users who are connecting? A fine question indeed. :) It could be due to SSL Clientless VPN users who are connecting on an incorrect connection profile. In this video, you join Keith as a troubleshooting team, to identify and correct several specific configuration issues that are preventing users from enjoying their SSL VPN. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement ASA VPN connection profiles, group policies, and user policies; Troubleshoot the initial provisioning of Clientless SSL VPN applications due to misconfiguration. 14. Troubleshooting AnyConnect Client SSL VPNs (00:21:26) Is getting a virtual IP address from the ASA all that important? The answer: Yes, if you are running the AnyConnect. Will users want to access the Internet at the same time they are browsing on the Internet? The answer: Yes, definitely. In this video, you join Keith again on a troubleshooting mission, this time focused on the customer who is trying to use the AnyConnect client for access. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Troubleshoot the initial provisioning client-based SSL VPN applications due to misconfiguration; Troubleshoot AnyConnect SSL VPN operations using DART. 15. Troubleshooting IPsec Client VPNs (00:31:42) Trouble, trouble and more trouble. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through troubleshooting the traditional IPsec VPN Client issues that prevent users from accessing their network resources. Many of these issues would not only cause harm to IPsec VPNs but also to the AnyConnect SSL VPNs as well. Failures investigated and solved in this video include centralized AAA services via RADIUS, incorrect user configuration, incorrect cert-to-profile mappings, incorrect group restrictions and more. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Troubleshoot VPN Operations; troubleshoot initial provisioning of VPNs; and implement certificate maps using ASDM. 16. Troubleshooting IPsec Site-to-Site VPNs (00:21:28) Site-to-Site IPsec tunnels, whether using IKEv1 or IKEv2, can fail to establish due to basic connectivity or incompatible policies. In this video, you join Keith in troubleshooting why the Site-to-Site tunnel, (that normally should allow protected traffic to flow between the and networks), isn't working. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Troubleshoot VPN Operations; troubleshoot initial provisioning of VPNs. 17. Cisco Secure Desktop and DAP (00:30:50) Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD) and Dynamic Access Polices (DAP) can be used as a powerful one/two punch to limit remote SSL Clientless and/or SSL AnyConnect users from being able to use the VPN unless the computer they are on meets certain standards, such as having antivirus or a personal firewall in place. In this Nugget, Keith walks you through the reasons for, and implementation of, CSD and DAP to improve the overall security posture of a network. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement DAP operations using ASDM; Implement Cisco Secure Desktop using ASDM; Implement a security high level design by identifying SSL VPN features and supporting technologies. 18. High Availability VPNs (00:33:49) Users want the network to work, and when it doesn't the downtime can cause loss of revenue and frustration. In this video Keith discusses 3 options for fault tolerance for VPN users, and how to dynamically push down policies to the AnyConnect and IPsec VPN clients. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Implement SSL and IPsec VPN high availability features. 19. VPN Pieces and Parts (00:32:48) There are several topics that didn't need an entire Nugget, but are still important to be aware of. In this video, Keith addresses a list of these items including more details on the Client Profile, customizing the clientless portal, additional AAA server group options and much more. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Identify ASA VPN licensing requirements, Implement local and external VPN authorization; Implement LOCAL CA operations; Identify IPv6 VPN capabilities; Implement the SSO features for clientless VPNs; Implement basic portal customization. 20. GNS3 and the ASA (00:31:22) Combining this VPN video course with your own hands-on practice is key for success in certification, and more importantly, for your real-world implementation and troubleshooting of VPNs on the ASA. In this video, Keith shows you all the ingredients to build your own virtual practice lab. You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to practice each and every VPN that you and Keith discuss and configure in this video course. Maps to VPN v2 (exam 642-648) objectives: Every objective that has the word "implement", "troubleshoot", or "manage" in it. (Which is close to 100 percent of the published objectives).[/wpspoiler]
Кто знает, тот успешен
Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101
Год выпуска: 2013CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Jeremy Cioara Продолжительность: 10:27:36 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: This Cisco video training course with Jeremy Cioara covers basic networking, including topics such as network components, configuring and managing Cisco devices, troubleshooting, security, and more. Related area of expertise: Cisco networking level 1 Recommended skills: Basic understanding of computer functions (email, web browser, etc...) Some background in technology suggested, but not required Recommended equipment: Cisco 2600 series router Cisco 2950 or 3550 (ideal) switch Related certifications: CCENT CCNA Routing and Switching Related job functions: Network technician Network engineer [wpspoiler name="Подробное содержание" ] 1. Welcome to ICND1: Cisco Certification and Getting the Most From This Course (00:25:28) This opening video sets the expectations for the entire CCENT course, as well as reviewing the Cisco certification track. You'll get answers to common certification questions (one exam or two, certification expiration, etc...), hear the most recent updates to the CCNA certification, and learn how to get the most from this course. 2. Cisco Foundations: Network Components, Diagrams, Cables, and Speed (00:41:07) The core of Cisco network technology begins here! This Nugget moves quickly from the question "What is a network?" all the way through understanding core network devices (switches, routers, wireless access points (WAPs), network speed, and cabling standards. 3. Cisco Foundations: Speaking the Language of the OSI Model (00:47:43) You can identify and describe nearly all network standards and technology you face using the fundamental OSI model. This Nugget unpacks the definition and functions of the OSI model as Jeremy uses it to practically describe network communication you do every day. We even threw in a little OSI-TCP/IP conspiracy for fun! 4. Cisco Foundations: Basic IP Addressing (00:34:34) If you want the "essence" of networking, this Nugget explains it all! Join Jeremy as he walks through the meaning behind an IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). The course wraps up with a hugely valuable walk through end-to-end network communication. 5. Cisco Foundations: Basic IP Addressing - Filling in the Gaps (00:42:00) While the initial "Basic IP Addressing" Nugget delivered the essence of network communication, there are many details that need to be unpacked! Jeremy designed this Nugget to fill in those gaps by discussing static and dynamic addressing (and a bonus: DHCP Relay), public and private addressing, classes of network addresses, communication types (unicast, multicast, broadcast), and Classful vs. Classless addressing. 6. Cisco Foundations: How Applications Speak - TCP and UDP (00:42:42) We've moved into the Transport layer of the OSI Model with TCP and UDP communication! In this Nugget, Jeremy adds some GREAT material on using Wireshark, TCP Windowing (also called TCP Sliding Windows), the 3-Way TCP Handshake, and TCP Sequence numbers. 7. Cisco Foundations: How Applications Speak - TCP and UDP, Part 2 (00:26:26) This Nugget picks up right where the last one left off and discusses common TCP/UDP port numbers you'll want to know. This Nugget also acts as a culmination of the network foundations and finishes with an end-to-end communication scenario. 8. Cisco Foundations: Configuring a Cisco Device - Programs and Console Connections (00:29:57) Okay - this is the first Nugget where you really get to DO something! By time you complete this Nugget, you will know how to configure an out-of-the-box piece of Cisco gear by using a console connection. In order to do this, you will learn about rollover cables, serial port settings, and terminal emulators (Putty, Tera Term, SecureCRT, Minicom, etc...). And no, CBT Nuggets does not endorse "hit the red button" in your IT room. 9. Switching: Welcome to the World of Switching! (00:33:55) At the core of every network are LAN-based switches. In this Nugget, you'll walk through the evolution of switching technology, from hubs, to bridges, to switches. You'll also pick up key terms like Collision Domains and Broadcast domains. Finally, Jeremy follows frames through the switch in "The Day in the Life of Switching." 10. Switching: Working with the Cisco IOS (00:38:14) If this were a Microsoft course, this Nugget would be called "Working with Windows" - yes, that's how important the Internetwork Operating System (IOS) is to Cisco, a self-proclaimed SOFTWARE company rather than hardware! In this Nugget, Jeremy helps familiarize you with the Cisco IOS by illustrating context-sensitive help, basic commands, and the configuration modes. As a bonus, the first 5 minutes of this Nugget explain how to get a job in the Cisco world...while sick! 11. Switching: Base Configuration (00:41:44) Cisco switches work just like any other switch from the minute you pull them out of the box and plug them in...but if you wanted Cisco switches to work "like any other switch," why would you buy Cisco? In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the base configuration of a switch including hostname configuration, negating commands, and setting console, telnet, and enable passwords. In addition, Jeremy adds information on understanding the physical cabling, moving from the wall jack to the patch panel to the switch itself. 12. Switching: Base Configuration, Part 2 (00:47:05) This Nugget picks up right where the last one left off adding a basic understanding of VLANs, configuration of management IP addresses, default gateway, logon banners, and enabling ports. Finally, Jeremy wraps up with the most important step of all: saving your configuration! 13. Switching: Configuring SSH, User Accounts, and Password Encryption (00:42:31) While the previous "Base Configuration" Nuggets illustrate how to remotely manage your Cisco devices, you absolutely do NOT want to use Telnet as your primary management protocol. This Nugget demonstrates how to enable Secure Shell (SSH) to manage your devices through fully encrypted connections. 14. Switching: Managing Port Security (00:34:28) YES. We care what plugs into our network! We live in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) world that introduces a whole slew of security holes in the corporate network environment. In this Nugget, Jeremy shows you how to gain control over this. By time you're done here, you'll understand how to limit how many devices connect to specific switch ports as well as controlling what devices connect to the network. 15. Switching: Cisco Switching - Day to Day (00:33:42) Network switches typically require more maintenance and support than routers. In this Nugget, Jeremy covers the common trouble areas. By time you're done here, you'll be able to respond to the comment, "The network is slow!", understand key interface counters (such as CRC errors, collisions, and late collisions), and locate devices in the network using a combination of ARP and "show mac address-table" commands. 16. Switching: Understanding VLANs and Trunks (00:25:36) HUGE TOPIC ALERT!!! Virtual LANs (VLANs) have completely reshaped the networking world over the last decade. Nowadays, it's rare to find a network that does not use VLANs in some form. This Nugget is dedicated to the concept overview - you will understand what VLANs are and how to use them...and yes, we want to know the whole story of Jeremy's cat as well. 17. Switching: Understanding VTP and 802.1q (00:33:05) Have you ever had a great idea that just turned out REALLY bad? Cisco did. They called it the "VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)." In this Nugget, Jeremy shows you how this great idea can really help or completely destroy your network in a matter of seconds. You'll also learn about how trunk ports tag packets using the standard 802.1q tagging protocol. 18. Switching: Configuring Trunking, VTP, and VLANs (00:46:41) It's time to take all the concepts from the last two Nuggets and put them into some VLAN configuration action! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the configuration of VLANs on a single switch and then on multiple switches. He even (accidentally) throws in a quick Layer 3 switch configuration! 19. Routing: Understanding Routing Core (00:35:15) You can now put switching concepts in the box - we've moved on to Cisco Routing! In this Nugget, Jeremy defines what routing is all about, the physical connections routers use, and the basic configuration of a Cisco router. 20. Routing: Practical Routing - Enhancing VLANs (00:38:42) So you just learned what routing is, right? Let's do it!!! In this Nugget, Jeremy combines the recent concepts of routing and VLANs and shows three options to move data between VLANs: seperate router interfaces, the "router on a stick," and layer 3 switching. 21. Routing: Speaking Binary (00:32:09) You'll often see true "network nerds" wearing a T-shirt that says, "There are only 10 people who understand binary...those who do and those who don't." After this Nugget, you'll say, "AH! I get it!!!" In this Nugget, Jeremy equips you to gain the foundation skill necessary for everything Subnetting: Decimal to Binary Conversion. 22. Routing: Creating Subnets Based on Network Requirements (00:53:14) Welcome to subnetting! In this initial subnetting-focused Nugget, Jeremy walks through multiple examples of determining subnets based on network requirements. 23. Routing: Creating Subnets Based on Host Requirements (00:25:36) The subnetting fun continues! This Nugget walks through multiple examples of determining subnets based on host requirements. 24. Routing: Reverse Engineering Subnet Problems (00:16:08) This Nugget walks through multiple examples of working subnet problems backwards based on host requirements. 25. Routing: Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) (00:19:06) It's the final form of subnetting! The good news is this: Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) does not introduce any radically new subnet concepts. Rather, it uses combinations of concepts you already know! By time you're done with the Nugget, you will have seen nearly every subnetting possibility in the current IP protocol. 26. Routing: Implementing Static Routing (00:40:05) Static Routing is POWERFUL. SO powerful in fact that Cisco bans you from using it on the CCIE certification exam!! Why? Because you can accomplish just about anything with it given the time. Static routing allows you to manually "educate" your router on the network locations it can reach. In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the concepts and configuration behind static routing. 27. Routing: Routing Protocols Concepts (00:39:45) Have you ever have something happen to you that was so exciting you had to tell someone about it? That's what routing protocols are all about: Friends telling Friends! In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down routing protocol concepts like Metric and Administrative distance, the varieties of routing protocols (RIP, IGRP, OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS, and BGP), and some cool cars. 28. Routing: Understanding and Configuring OSPF (00:49:20) It's the most popular routing protocol in the world: OSPF!!! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the concepts of OSPF (especially understanding the "network" command) and performs a base configuration and verification of the protocol. 29. Routing: Using Access Control Lists (00:24:35) They're not just for access control! So often, Access Control Lists (ACLs) are misunderstood as a security-only feature; rather, ACLs define the matching system used by EVERY MAJOR FEATURE IN THE CISCO IOS! Sound important? In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through ACL fundamentals, applying ACLs for security, and describes Standard and Extended ACLs. 30. Routing: Configuring and Applying Standard Access Control Lists (00:51:30) The title says it all! This configuration-focused Nugget walks through three fully explained, practical examples of creating and applying Standard ACLs. 31. Routing: Configuring and Applying Extended Access Control Lists (01:08:55) Picking up where the last Nugget left off, Jeremy walks through FIVE (yes, you'll want that many) practical examples of creating and applying Extended ACLs. You'll want to carve out a little more time for this Nugget, but we know you'll be happy with the extra explanations! 32. Routing: NAT Concepts (00:27:40) You'll be hard pressed to find a network in today's world that does not use Network Address Translation (NAT). In this Nugget, Jeremy unpacks the concepts behind Static NAT, Dynamic NAT, and Port Address Translation (PAT or NAT Overload). 33. Routing: NAT Configuration (00:41:51) With the NAT concepts in place, now it's time for the NAT configuration! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the configuration of NAT Overload (or PAT), Dynamic NAT, and Static NAT. 34. Routing: IPv6 Concepts (00:39:03) IPv6 is a whole new world...and that new world is coming quickly! With the IPv4 address space depleted (sort of), IPv6 is becoming an immediate reality for many organizations. In this Nugget, Jeremy describes the reasons to upgrade to IPv6, the new address format, communication types (unicast, multicast, anycast), and address types (link local, site local, and global). 35. Routing: IPv6 Configuration (00:34:48) If you're not feeling comfortable with this Nugget! By time you're done, you'll likely find yourself saying, "Wow - IPv6 really isn't that bad!" In this Nugget, Jeremy glides through the configuration of IPv6 addressing, verification, static routing, and OSPFv3. 36. Cisco Certification - Building a CCNA Lab (00:12:28) There's no replacing some practical, hands-on experience in your Cisco career. In this Nugget, Jeremy gives his thoughts on building a budget-based home lab with real Cisco equipment and his opinion on the place of GNS3. 37. Cisco Certification - Studying for Cisco Exams (00:07:57) Cisco certification exams are a nerve-racking experience! In this Nugget, Jeremy gives his best study tips he's compiled from 15 years of taking certification exams. 38. Cisco Certification - My Journey (00:28:20) One of the most common questions Jeremy gets from students entering the Cisco world is "how do I get started?" In this Nugget, Jeremy lays out his own personal journey into the Cisco realm and gives some tips that might get you going. 39. ICND1 Supplement: Floating Statics, DHCP Services, and CDP (00:34:24) Think of this as your "bonus" exam supplement covering three key topics: floating static routes, configuring your Cisco device as a DHCP server (and a DHCP relay agent), and using the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP). 40. ICND1 Supplement: Using Show Commands like a Cisco Ninja (00:12:15) It's your worst are troubleshooting a Cisco device and need to validate the configuration only to find out the "show run" command no longer works! You jolt awake in a cold sweat. While this would never happen in the real world, you may find yourself here in an exam environment. This Nugget is dedicated to illustrati[/wpspoiler]
Кто знает, тот успешен
Cisco CCDA DESGN 640-864
Год выпуска: 2013CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Anthony Sequeira Продолжительность: 07:22:28 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: This Cisco video training course with Anthony Sequeira covers how to design a Cisco network, including topics such as network life cycles, management protocols, designing wireless solutions, and more. Related area of expertise: Cisco networking level 1 This course provides you with all of the information you will need to interview a customer (who might be your boss!), identify networking solutions that meet the needs discovered in the interview, and then design a network infrastructure that meets those needs! The current CCDA ensures the latest popular technologies are included — for example, wireless, VoIP, and data center architectures. As a result, students who watch this training will be prepared to take the 640-864 DESGN exam from Cisco Systems. You'll proceed at your own pace, with trainer Anthony Sequeira as your guide. The videos in this course break down the CCDA certification process and required skills into bite-sized Nuggets. Video by video, you'll learn how to build upon an increasingly complex network design that can truly meet the needs of an organization. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective holders [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. Get Ready Get Set for CCDA! (00:11:11) In this first video of the CCDA course, Anthony Sequeira provides information on exactly what the CCDA certification is all about. He details the requirements for this certification, and provides students with the steps required to determine what is tested and how they can help guarantee a first time pass! 2. Trends Driving Network Designs (00:22:26) Are there specific trends that are driving typical network designs in organizations? There sure are! In this Nugget, Anthony walks you through the business and technical factors that are having the biggest influence on modern network designs. This video also provides some valuable metrics that you can use to gauge the effectiveness of your completed design. 3. Network - This Is Your Life (00:16:55) In this Nugget, Anthony discusses the PPDIOO Network Life Cycle Model from Cisco and shows how you can draw a very powerful design model from this overall life cycle. This video also provides specific guidance on how you can best extract the network and organizational requirements from your customer. 4. Characterizing the Existing Network (00:16:14) In this Nugget, you examine the steps the can ensure you characterize the existing network of a customer as thoroughly as possible. This involves obtaining the existing documentation, querying the customer on this documentation, and using your tools and the customer's tools to carry out a network audit and possibly traffic analysis. 5. The Top Down Network Design Approach (00:14:40) In this Nugget, you learn a powerful approach to network design and learn about valuable tools like decision tables, pilots, and prototypes. This Nugget also emphasizes the importance of scope in a network design. 6. Make IT Modular (00:31:06) In this Nugget, you learn the importance of modularity in network design. Not only for the equipment itself, but also for the network services that are popular today like Wireless, VoIP, and Security. This Nugget teaches the Network Hierarchical Model, as well as the important Cisco Network Architecture for the Enterprise model. 7. Some Network Management Protocols (00:29:24) This Nugget examines some popular and important network management protocols including SNMP, RMON, NetFlow, CDP, and Syslog Accounting. 8. Designing the Campus (00:22:18) This Nugget details the design factors for the Campus module in general. It then walks students through particular design elements that are important in the Access, Distribution, and Core modules. 9. Designing the Data Center (00:17:55) This Nugget has four major sections. First, it describes technologies and trends that exist in modern data centers. It then details the challenges that have lead to these trends. The Nugget also provides the Cisco Data Center Enterprise Architecture model, and the video wraps up with a look at virtualization technologies. 10. Designing Remote Access (00:36:20) In this Nugget, the complex world of Wide Area Networking (WAN) technologies and designs are discussed. This Nugget includes an exploration of specific technologies as well as a look at the WAN module design and its many submodules. 11. IPv4/v6 Addressing Designs (00:33:49) This Nugget presents critical design options for both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing environments. The emphasis is placed on IPv6 as this is a brand new world for most! 12. Routing Protocol Design (00:31:58) Choosing the correct routing protocol for your enterprise design is a critical step in the overall process. This Nugget makes this choice a simple matter. 13. Designing Security Solutions (00:55:58) It is no secret that Anthony Sequeira loves network security. In this amazingly interestinging Nugget, Anthony leads viewers through the ins and outs of network security design. 14. Voice and Video Designs (00:59:17) One of the most complex areas of networking is designing for voice and video in the modern converged network. This Nugget makes this complex area simple. 15. Designing Wireless Solutions (00:42:57) Cables? We don't need no stinking cables! In this Nugget, you learn to design highly available, peak performance wireless networking infrastructures.[/wpspoiler]
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Cisco CCIE v5
Год выпуска: 2013CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Keith Barker Продолжительность: 05:37:00 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: This Cisco video training with Keith Barker and Anthony Sequeira covers taking the CCIE R&S Version 5 exams, including topics such as the lab exam format, general network challenges, applying troubleshooting methodologies, and more. [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ]1. CCIE R&S v5 LAB Exam Format (00:12:09) The format for the CCIE R&S Lab exam has changed once again. Join Keith and Anthony in this Nugget as they break it all down for you in easy-to-understand language. 2. CCIE R&S v4 to v5 Topic Changes (00:04:58) Join Keith in this concise and clear Nugget about which topics from Version 4 no longer exist, and which topics in Version 5 are new. This Nugget is obviously critical if you have been studying for the CCIE Version 4 R&S lab exam. 3. Finding CCIE Exam Information (00:10:35) You want to ensure that you are up to date with all of the latest information about the exam and you want to make sure it is accurate info. You also want to make sure that you can get your questions about the exam answered. Where do you go? This Nugget is for you. 4. Bonus Tip Nugget: Why Do So Many Fail? (00:12:36) In this Bonus Tip Nugget, Anthony details the many reasons students say that they failed their lab exam on their initial attempts. Why do we care? We want to avoid those same mistakes. Enjoy this fun video, it just might save you on your first exam attempt. 5. Tracking Your CCIE Success (00:11:33) Measuring your progress allows you to objectively focus your attention where needed, as well as providing a feedback system to provide motivation as you see your skills getting better and better with each study session. 6. IOS XE (00:23:56) During the written exam, students must be able to describe the architectural differences between IOS and IOS XE. This Nugget goes even further than that, providing students with a complete overview of the landscape of Cisco Operating Systems. 7. Bonus Tip Nugget: Documentation in the Exam (00:10:37) Are you really provided access to the Cisco documentation in the lab exam? Learn the answer to this question and much more in this important Bonus Tip Nugget! 8. Cisco Express Forwarding (00:28:57) The FIB and the Adjacency Table make up Cisco Express Forwarding technology. How does all of that work, and what is a particular challenge with CEF? Learn it all in this concise Nugget. 9. General Network Challenges (00:20:12) Unicast floods, asymmetric routing, and microbursts, oh my! In this Nugget, join Keith and Anthony as they discuss general network challenges and how they can occur. 10. Bonus Tip Nugget: Over-Configuration in the Lab (00:04:02) In this Bonus Tip Nugget, Anthony discusses a very frequent student question regarding the lab exam, "Are you penalized for "over-configuration"? 11. IP Oper. - ICMP Unreachables (00:16:23) In this important Nugget for the written CCIE R&S certification exam, Keith and Anthony demonstrate key elements of IP packets and discuss their usage. This Nugget focuses on ICMP Unreachables. 12. Bonus Tip Nugget: Core vs Noncore (00:08:43) Join Anthony as he discusses an important strategic point for the Configuration section of the CCIE R&S v5 Exam: the identification of core vs noncore tasks! 13. Bonus Tip Nugget: Trackers in the Lab Exam (00:13:30) In this Bonus Tip Nugget, Anthony discusses the use of trackers while taking the lab exam and even provides examples of trackers that he would use. 14. ICMP Redirects (00:22:28) In this Nugget, Keith and Anthony will bring the operation of ICMP Redirect messages to life for you right before your eyes! This video also demonstrates the location of key commands in the Command Reference Documentation at 15. IPv4 Options and IPv6 Ext Headers (00:28:06) This Nugget examines a key difference between IPv4 and IPv6 in how optional informational can be conveyed. 16. TTL and MTU (00:12:08) Enjoy this Nugget dealing with Time To Live (TTL) and Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) behaviors in the IP protocol. 17. TCP Operations (00:28:53) In this important Nugget, join Anthony and Keith as they detail important behaviors of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). From the three-way handshake to the four-way handshake, this Nugget covers many interesting topics. 18. UDP Operations (00:17:20) Join Keith and Anthony for a discussion of key concepts regarding User Datagram Protocol (UDP) in this Nugget. Topics include such interesting Nuggets as TCP starvation and the Real-Time Transport Protocol! 19. Evaluate Proposed Changes to a Network (00:03:39) This exciting Nugget examines typical procedures that you would engage in when performing migrations from one technology to another, such as migrating to IPv6. 20. Use IOS Based Troubleshooting Tools (00:23:18) Learn the use various monitoring and troubleshooting tools of the IOS to their fullest in this important Nugget. 21. Apply Troubleshooting Methodologies (00:10:37) Learn to troubleshoot more effectively in this laser-focused Nugget. 22. Interpret Packet Captures (00:12:20) Allow Keith to guide you through a few features of Wireshark to enable quick and powerful analysis of traffic. Also in this Nugget, join Anthony as he walks you through the IOS Embedded Packet Capture feature.[/wpspoiler]  
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Cisco CCNP CVoice 8.0 642-437
Год выпуска: 2013CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Jeremy Cioara Продолжительность: 15:27:24 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: This Cisco video training with Jeremy Cioara covers Cisco voice technology, including topics such as voice gateways, voice protocols, quality of service, and more. Related area of expertise: Cisco voice CVOICE 8.0 is a new VoIP world! Join trainer Jeremy Cioara on a CCNP Voice journey. This course maps to the 642-437 exam, the first step towards CCNP Voice certification. You'll learn the critical foundational skills necessary to build a VoIP system. Without the knowledge from this course, you’re building your voice network on sand that will quickly wash out from under you! With the addition of Cisco Unified Communication Manager Express (CUCME) in the new CVOICE 8.0, you can build an entire VoIP systems for a small-to-midsize office. Previous versions of CVOICE were never this cool! This course is perfect for those aiming for a CCNP Voice certification, those looking to move to a VoIP system, and anyone who isn't afraid to get down and dirty with VoIP configurations. [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. Welcome to CVOICE 8.0: Cisco Certification and Getting the Most from this Course (00:21:41) Welcome to the Cisco CVOICE video series! This opening Nugget discusses the course objectives and their relation to the Cisco CCNP Voice certification path. You'll also see recent changes to the Cisco certification process that make real-world training (which is the goal of CBT Nuggets) the best possible way to prepare. 2. Voice Gateways: The Bridge Between Worlds (00:40:05) This Nugget discusses traditional telephony and Voice over IP (VoIP) comparison and key terms; understanding the Cisco VoIP Solution; Cisco VoIP design models (single-site, centralized, distributed, and clustering over the WAN); common Cisco VoIP hardware (Voice Gateways, PoE switches, ATA adapters, IP phones, and CUCM servers). 3. Voice Gateways: Understanding Analog Voice Ports (00:40:58) This Nugget discusses analog voice port options: FXS, FXO, E&M, and CAMA; analog voice port signaling types and standards; analog voice port configuration: call progress tones (cptone), PLAR, ring cadence, and signaling. 4. Voice Gateways: Understanding Digital Voice Ports (00:31:57) This Nugget discusses digital voice port options: T1, E1, PRI; digital voice port signaling: CAS, CCS, Q.921, Q.931, QSIG; and digital voice port configuration: ds0-group and pri-group. 5. Voice Gateways: Handling Echo, Cross Connect, Timers and Verification (00:26:19) This Nugget discusses remedies for echo on a VoIP connection; cross-connecting analog and digital ports together; analog timers (initial, hookflash, interdigit, etc...); verification commands. 6. Voice Gateways: Voice CODECs and DSP Resources (00:44:37) This Nugget discusses the common VoIP CODECs used in the Cisco world: G.711, G.729, and iLBC; calculating bandwidth consumed by voice calls; managing DSP resources and using DSPFarms. 7. VoIP Foundations: How Spoken Voice Becomes a Packet (00:16:39) This Nugget discusses the process of converting analog signal into digital format, including Nyquist Theorum, PCM, Quantization, G.711ulaw, and G.711alaw. 8. Dial Peers: Understanding and Using Dial-Peers (00:43:46) This Nugget discusses the concept of Cisco Call Legs, the differences between POTS and VoIP dial-peers, and performs a base configuration of POTS/VoIP dial-peers on two Cisco routers. 9. Dial Peers: Wildcards and Voice Route Matching (00:33:12) This Nugget discusses Destination-Pattern Wildcards, matching inbound and outbound dial-peers, and the concept of the "Forsaken Default Dial Peer 0." 10. Dial Peers: End-to-End Practical Scenario (00:46:15) This Nugget is subtitled, "How to Set up Your House for VoIP." Jeremy puts together a complete demonstration from scratch covering the following topics: Bringing a PSTN line into an FXO port, FXS configuration, PSTN dial-peers, Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR), automatic digit stripping (POTS dial-peers), forward-digits, VoIP dial-peers, and CODEC modification. 11. Dial Peers: Overlapping, Hunting, and Basic Manipulation (00:22:58) This Nugget discusses the methods routers use to handle overlapping dial-peers and duplicate destinations, dial-peer hunt options, creating hunt groups, and basic digit manipulation commands (prefix, forward-digits, num-exp). 12. Advanced Dial Plans: Digit Manipulation and Transformation (00:37:58) This Nugget discusses methods used to modify Caller-ID (ANI) information, translation-rules, and provides many examples of regular expression use with called and calling transformations. 13. Advanced Dial Plans: Configuring, Applying, and Testing Digit Manipulation (00:27:05) This Nugget applies the topics from the previous Nugget (regular expressions, calling and called party transformations) into practical configuration. Topics include transformation-rules and transformation-profiles configuration. 14. Advanced Dial Plans: Calling Privileges with Class of Restriction (COR) (00:34:14) This Nugget covers the implementation of calling restrictions using the Class of Restriction (COR) lists feature of Cisco voice gateways. Topics include the purpose of calling restrictions, reconstructing PSTN dial-peers, and understanding and implementing COR Lists. 15. CME: IP Phones, VLANs, and Communication (00:35:15) This Nugget discusses the characteristics of Cisco IP Phones (allowing you to pick which model suits you)000, presents an understanding of key network configurations needed to support Cisco IP Phones (Voice VLAN, Quality of Service (QoS), DHCP, and Power over Ethernet (PoE)), and the IP Phone boot and registration process. 16. CME: Base Configuration (00:39:28) This Nugget walks through the base configuration needed to support IP Phones using CME: Power over Ethernet (PoE), Voice VLAN (VVLAN), Network Time Protocol (NTP), DHCP, IP Phone Firmware, telephony-service (SCCP) configuration, and SIP configuration. 17. CME: Ephones and Ephone-DNs, Part 1 (00:28:33) This Nugget builds on the base configuration in the previous Nugget to configure Ephone and Ephone-DNs, making internal VoIP calling possible. 18. CME: Ephones and Ephone-DNs, Part 2 (00:28:32) Picking up right where the last Nugget left off, we break down the "button" command and perform multiple examples of shared lines, button overlay, and auto-assignment. 19. CME: SIP Phones, Ephone Types, Codecs, and Verification (00:30:29) This final Nugget focused on CME discusses the differences between SCCP and SIP for end-point control, how to set up SIP-based devices in CME, the configuration of ephone-types and default CODECs, and the verification/troubleshooting steps you can use with CME. 20. Voice Protocols: At the Core (00:31:22) This Nugget provides an overview of the key voice protocols used day-to-day: RTP, RTCP, H.323, SIP, and MGCP. Also discussed are the multiple flavors and features of RTP: cRTP, SRTP, and VAD. 21. Voice Protocols: H.323 (00:46:16) This Nugget provides an in-depth look at the H.323 signaling protocol, covering the call setup and feature negotiation protocols (H.225 and H.245) as well as H.225 RAS (for Gatekeeper signaling). The final portion of this Nugget covers H.323 gateway and gatekeeper configuration. 22. Voice Protocols: SIP (00:36:54) This Nugget provides an in-depth look at the SIP signaling protocol, covering the protocol architecture (proxy, registrar, location, and redirect servers), call flow, and configuration. 23. Voice Protocols: MGCP (00:21:45) This Nugget provides an in-depth look at the MGCP signaling protocol, covering the protocol architecture, call flow, and configuration (from the voice gateway perspective - please see CIPT for the Call Agent configuration). 24. Cisco Unified Border Element: The Voice Gateway of Voice Gateways (00:21:20) This Nugget explores Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE), which acts as a boundary for your voice network. Topics include CUBE concepts, H.323 and SIP protocol interaction, and configuration. 25. Quality of Service: The Missing Ingredient (00:47:58) Without Quality of Service (QoS), your voice network will quickly crumble under the iron fist of data traffic. In this Nugget, Jeremy identifies the "Evil Villains" (delay, jitter, and packet loss) of the voice network and breaks down the different QoS tools you have at your disposal to handle them. The Nugget concludes with a configuration walk-through of the Modular QoS CLI (MQC) structure (class-map, policy-map, service-policy). 26. Quality of Service: CoS, ToS, DSCP, and Trust Boundaries (00:45:35) Understanding the various markings you have at your disposal in the QoS world can be confusing at best! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the full explanation of Class of Service (CoS), Type of Service (ToS), IP Precedence, and DSCP. Get your brain ready for this one! 27. Quality of Service: Queuing with CBWFQ and LLQ (00:46:13) In our modern times, all the previous congestion management (queuing) strategies - priority, custom, and weighted fair queuing - have all melded into one: Low Latency Queuing. Join Jeremy in this Nugget to discuss the need for queuing, the intricacies of LLQ, and the configuration of both LLQ and AutoQoS.[/wpspoiler]
Кто знает, тот успешен
Cisco CCNP CIPT1 8.0 642-447
Год выпуска: 2013CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Jeremy Cioara Продолжительность: 10:12:50 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: This Cisco video training course with Jeremy Cioara covers how to implement Cisco's Unified Communications Manager, including topics such as architecture, CUCM configuration, route planning, and more. Related area of expertise: Cisco voice Prepare for Cisco's 642-447 exam with Jeremy Cioara! Get closer to your CCNP Voice certification with this course. You'll learn all about CIPT1 v8.0 with the incomparable Jeremy Cioara, who will teach you to install and configure a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) solution in a single site. Jeremy starts with the basics of what CUCM is and how it works, and takes you through to advanced topics including Partitions and Calling Search Spaces (CSS). This course covers all the objectives for the 642-447 exam, and by the time you're finished with these concise, entertaining videos, you'll be ready to ace the test! [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ]1. Welcome to CIPT 8.0: Cisco Certification and Getting the Most from this Series (00:08:33) Thanks for tuning in! In this Nugget, Jeremy outlines the purpose and vision for the series, discusses where CIPT 8.0 fits in the CCNP Voice certification, and goes through his recommendations for a VoIP home lab! 2. Unified Communications: What is CUCM? (00:07:29) It's only the CORE PRODUCT of Cisco's Voice over IP (VoIP) infrastructure (yes, this might be important)! In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down the functions of CUCM, the version history, and supported hardware. 3. CUCM Architecture: IP Phone Communication and Call Flow (00:06:12) So you know what CUCM is but how does it work? This Nugget is dedicated to illustrating the communication between the IP Phones and CUCM. Key signaling protocols Skinny (SCCP) and SIP are introduced as well as the audio streaming Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). 4. CUCM Architecture: Clustering and Database (00:05:44) The statement holds true in data networking just as it does in VoIP: Two is one, one is none! Redundancy is key. In this Nugget, Jeremy unpacks what is meant by a "CUCM Cluster" and breaks down the two cluster communication types: Database communication and Run-time communication. 5. CUCM Architecture: Call Processing Models (00:11:24) Your business is convinced - they give you the "go ahead" with the VoIP project... Now what? This Nugget breaks down the four Cisco-supported design models for use with CUCM: Single-site, Centralized, Distributed, and Clustering over WAN connections. 6. CUCM Architecture: Cluster Growth and Redundancy Considerations (00:08:13) This final Nugget focused on CUCM clustering demonstrates how to set up your environment for redundancy. Jeremy explores the 1:1 and 1:2 redundancy designs as well as shows how large you are able to grow your CUCM cluster. 7. CUCM Architecture: CUCM Licensing (00:06:30) It's exactly what the title says! This Nugget looks at CUCM Node licenses, software licenses, and Device License Units (DLUs). 8. Switch Integration: Three Key Switch Requirements (00:03:09) Your LAN switch infrastructure definitely needs a few features added to support the flood of Cisco IP Phones you're about to throw at it. In this Nugget, Jeremy discusses the three key features needed: Voice VLANs, Quality of Service (QoS), and Power over Ethernet (PoE). 9. Switch Integration: Configuring and Verifying PoE (00:10:19) Power over Ethernet (PoE) is on by default on Cisco switches which support this feature, but there are a few key items to discuss. This Nugget focuses on the PoE standards (Cisco Inline Power, 802.3af, and 802.3at), enabling and disabling the feature, and verifying which ports are using PoE. 10. Switch Integration: Configuring and Verifying Voice VLANs (00:07:44) Voice VLANs are necessary for two key reasons AND have two primary methods of configuration (old and new). Join Jeremy in this Nugget as he unpacks the details and walks through multiple configuration examples. 11. CUCM Installation: Installation Process (00:08:01) The theory becomes reality! Join Jeremy in this Nugget as he walks through the installation of CUCM in a virtualized (VMWare) environment reviewing hardware requirements, software locations, and implementation considerations. NOTE: You can perform this installation yourself using VMWare Server, ESXi, or Workstation. 12. CUCM Installation: Service Activation (00:03:45) The CUCM server installs ALL features but absolutely NONE of them work out of the box! This Nugget walks through the process of activating key services and eliminating the reliance on DNS. 13. CUCM Phone Configuration: Understanding Phone Options (00:09:20) It's the best part of any new technology: NEW TOYS! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the entry level, standard, and advanced Cisco IP Phones (6900, 7900, 8900, and 9900 series) as well as some of the specialty devices (Cisco ATA 186/188, VT Advantage). 14. CUCM Phone Configuration: Cisco IP Phone Boot Process (00:07:28) Understanding the boot and registration process of the Cisco IP Phone is the #1 key to troubleshooting! This Nugget walks through the process from Power over Ethernet (PoE) detection, Voice VLAN transmission, DHCP Request, TFTP configuration, and finally CUCM registration. 15. CUCM Phone Configuration: DHCP and DNS Services (00:09:26) CUCM isn't really meant to be a DHCP server...but it can be! In this Nugget, Jeremy discusses how to configure the DHCP functionality in CUCM to support Cisco IP Phones. He then dives into the even MORE important discussion of eliminating CUCM DNS reliance. 16. CUCM Phone Configuration: Understanding CODECs (00:08:29) Before the series becomes completely hands-on examples, there's a big theory chunk that's missing: COder/DECoders (CODECs). These little gems are responsible for converting spoken voice into digital communication that can be transmitted using VoIP. In this Nugget, Jeremy focuses on the four most common CODECs: G.711, G.722, G.729, and iLBC. 17. CUCM Phone Configuration: Device Pool Core Configuration (00:14:59) Similar to the concept of "groups" in Microsoft Active Directory administration, Device Pools allow bulk assignment of common settings in the CUCM environment. In this Nugget, you'll see the base configuration of the device pool as well as the three required elements: CUCM Group, Date/Time Group, and Regions. 18. CUCM Phone Configuration: Button Templates and Device Defaults (00:08:00) Button Templates give you the POWER OF CONTROL (enter loud, booming announcer) in the Cisco VoIP network. This Nugget walks through the configuration of three features: Button Templates (assign line and speed dial buttons), Softkey Templates (assign phone feature keys), and Device Defaults. 19. CUCM Phone Configuration: IP Phone Manual and Auto Registration (00:11:23) The entire series has led up to this point: ringing phones!!! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the manual configuration of Cisco IP Communicator and an auto-registered 7970 Cisco IP phone. 20. CUCM Phone Configuration: Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) (00:19:15) We bet you can't guess what this tool does, right? Even though it has a simple name, this tool is EXTREMELY powerful for your day-to-day CUCM administrative tasks: adding or deleting bulk devices or performing bulk updates. This Nugget focuses 100% on this utility as Jeremy shows you how to make massive tasks simpler with BAT! 21. CUCM User Management: Adding Local Users to CUCM (00:21:43) Unlike the legacy PBX days, you are now able to create user account for your VoIP system! These user accounts allow end-users to log in and manage their assigned devices (for features such as speed dial, forwarding, etc...). This Nugget illustrates the process of creating user accounts, assigning permissions and devices, and accessing the CCMUser web pages. 22. CUCM User Management: Managing Users via LDAP (00:19:45) Managing local users in CUCM is no fun if you already have a corporate LDAP directory (such as Microsoft Active Directory) that already contains all the user information. In this Nugget, Jeremy shows you how to integrate CUCM into various LDAP environments using LDAP Syncronization and LDAP Authentication. 23. CUCM Route Plan: Voice Gateway Types and Protocols (00:14:16) While internal calling can be fun, eventually your staff will want to reach out and dial outside numbers. Welcome to the CUCM Route Plan Nuggets! In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down the different types of voice gateway connections you can use (analog and digital) as well as the protocols you can use to integrate the voice gateways with CUCM: H.323, MGCP, and SIP. 24. CUCM Route Plan: Route Plan Fundamentals (00:15:03) Jeremy has designated this Nugget as the Most Valuable Part (MVP) of the entire series! In here, Jeremy breaks down the method CUCM uses to reach dialed numbers outside it's own database. Topics include Route Patterns, Route Lists, Route Groups, and Devices. 25. CUCM Route Plan: Understanding Route Patterns (00:19:45) Warning: Jeremy is taking an unconventional approach to breaking down the CUCM Route Plan implementation (are you surprised?)! In this Nugget, you'll learn to work with Route Patterns with a heavy emphasis on understanding the wildcards you can use to create large-scale route plans for enterprise organizations. 26. CUCM Route Plan: Understanding Route Plan Devices (00:22:56) Creating Route Patterns is great...but without the devices to get anywhere, you'll be dead in the water! In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down the four primary devices you'll use in CUCM to connect outside the database cluster: H.323 Gateways, MGCP Gateways, SIP Trunks, and Intercluster Trunks. 27. CUCM Route Plan: Understanding Route Lists and Route Groups (00:11:31) It's time to tie the bow on the CUCM Route Plan package by adding Route Lists and Route Groups to the configuration. Despite his best intentions, Jeremy also steps slightly into call transformations as well (this is covered far more in the CUCM Advanced Route Plan Nuggets). 28. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Call Handling, T302, and Overlapping Dial Plans (00:22:08) GET YOUR NOTEBOOK READY! There will be plenty to write as you go through this Nugget. In this video, Jeremy begins to "fill in the cracks" of the CUCM Route Plan Fundamentals by discussing overlapping route plans, the T302 Interdigit Timeout timer, the Urgent Priority field, Call Classification, and finally, Route Filters. 29. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Manually Creating a PSTN Dial Plan (00:08:10) In this Nugget, Jeremy expands on his recommendation to NOT use the 9.@ route pattern. Rather than using broad wildcards, Jeremy suggests manually creating a PSTN dial plan. While this sounds daunting, by time you're done with this Nugget, you'll know exactly what to do. 30. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Using Digit Transformations (00:18:47) The dial plan of a VoIP system can be much MORE complex than that of the traditional PBX realm since a call can move in multiple directions (such as WAN and/or PSTN). In this Nugget, Jeremy discusses a failover situation where calls can transparently move from the WAN to the PSTN without user intervention. To do this, you'll learn about Calling and Called Party Transformations (such as discard digits, transformation masks, and prefix digits). 31. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Using Translation Patterns (00:08:40) So what is a CUCM Translation Pattern? Simply Calling and Called Party Transformations that can be applied globally in the CUCM cluster. If that sounds confusing, you'll want to watch this Nugget! 32. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Configuring Hunt Groups (00:17:56) Good news! If you understand the CUCM Route Plan Fundamentals, Hunt Groups will be a piece of cake! Hunt Groups allow you to configure one number that rings to a group of people. In this Nugget, Jeremy masterfully walks through the breakdown of Hunt Pilots, Hunt Lists, and Line Groups. 33. Partitions and CSS: What is a Partition and CSS? (00:14:49) Because Partitions and Calling Search Spaces (CSSs) are likely the most difficult concepts in all CUCM, Jeremy decided to dedicate a specific sub-section to it. In this Nugget, you'll learn exactly what a Partition and CSS is and how you're able to use them. 34. Partitions and CSS: Partitions and CSS Examples (00:27:59) It's not REAL until you do it yourself (especially if you're a long armed mountain climber...just watch the Nugget)! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through multiple practical examples of using Partitions and CSSs to implement calling restrictions. In addition, you'll see Partition and CSS configuration on CUCM! 35. Partitions and CSS: Central Dial Plan and Emergency Call Routing (00:14:18) Partitions and CSSs are not just for calling restrictions...they are FUNDAMENTAL to being able to properly implement central dial plans and emergency call routing! In this Nugget, Jeremy explores the implementation and caveats of this concept. 36. Partitions and CSS: Implementing Calling Restrictions, Best Practices (00:08:51) Why wait years to discover some of the CUCM dial plan best practices through trial and error when you can learn them right now? In this Nugget, Jeremy talks through simple and salable methods you can use to design Partitions and CSSs the right way from the onset. 37. Partitions and CSS: Voice Gateways, Call Forwarding, and PLAR (00:14:10) WARNING: Do not implement Partitions and CSSs without watching this Nugget first - you WILL cause a complete shutdown of your trunk connections! Why? Because Partitions and CSSs impact gateways and trunks in the same way they do phones. Tune in here to find out what you need to do. In addition, Jeremy discusses the Partition and CSS impact on call forwarding restrictions as well as how to implement Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR - aka "The Batphone"). 38. Partitions and CSS: Time of Day Routing (00:20:39) The uses are endless: routing calls to receptionists by day, voicemail by night; passing calls to the correct sales group based on timezone; blocking international calls after hours...You get the picture! By time you're done with this Nugget, you'll be able to solve nearly any scenario using Partitions and CSSs with Time of Day routing! 39. Partitions and CSS: Client Matter Codes (CMCs) and Forced Authorization Codes (FACs) (00:09:49) Partitions and CSSs work well when you want to say, "you NEVER have access to dial these numbers." However, what if you wanted to say, "Well, you have access SOMETIMES, but we'll definitely know when you're doing it." Welcome to Client Matter Codes (CMCs) and Forced Authorization Codes (FACs). In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the purpose of each feature and how to implement it. 40. CUCM Features: Understanding Media Resources (00:20:57) There are many features that just "happen" on the VoIP network that we take for granted: hold, transfer, conference, music on hold...the list goes on. ALL of these features require resources to support them: Media Termination Points (MTP), Conference Bridges (CFB), Music on Hold (MOH), Transcoding (XCODE), and Annunciator (ANN). This Nugget provides an over view of each service detailing is function and placement in the VoIP network. 41. CUCM Features: Implementing Conference Resources (00:06:19) While the CUCM Voice Media Streaming App is the primary source of software-based conferencing, CUCM supports DSP-based hardware resources as well. In this Nugget, Jeremy show how to manage both styles of conference resource and discusses tuning the conferencing service parameters. 42. CUCM Features: Managing Music on Hold Resources (00:14:11) The name of the Nugget says it all. Come here to learn how to add Music on Hold (MOH) Audio Sources (including the Fixed Audio Source), manage unicast/multicast MOH, and assign MOH sources to IP phones and Common Configuration Profiles. In addition, after watching the first 15 seconds of this Nugget, you'll also realize why Jeremy is an IT trainer and NOT a blues band vocalist. 43. CUCM Features: Managing Media Resource Access (00:07:52) CUCM treats the media resources you add to the cluster like a bowl full of goldfish: it simply grabs the first one it can from the bowl when they are needed (this is known as the NULL Media Resource Group). In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the methods of categorizing, grouping, and prioritizing which media resources CUCM should use FIRST when they are requested. 44. CUCM Features: Configuring IP Phone Services (00:12:44) Just like the Apple iPhone, Cisco IP Phone supports applications too (albeit not as entertaining as the Apple iPhone)! In this Nugget, you'll see the types of services supported by Cisco IP Phones and walk through the necessary configuration to provision these services. 45. CUCM Features: Call Back, Call Park, Call Pickup (00:17:43) This Nugget covers three features to enhance your Cisco IP Telephony system: Call Back (notifies you when a user is available), Call Park (placing a call on hold at an assigned extension), and Call Pickup (answering another ringing phone from your own device). 46. CUCM Features: Configuring Presence Speed Dials and Directories (00:06:44) Instant messaging is such a handy form of communication because you can see the status of other users before you ever message them! It's the same way with Presence: you're now able to see the status of another user of the phone system before you ever call them. In this Nugget, Jeremy illustrates how to configure Presenece-enabled speed dials, call directories, and SIP Trunks 47. CUCM Features: Presence Access Control (00:08:47) Once your users know they are being monitored by a SIP "watcher," they may not be as comfortable picking up their phone. In this Nugget, you'll learn two methods of access control for Presence: Partitions and Subscribe CSSs and Presence Policies. 48. CUCM Features: Understanding and Configuring Unified Mobility (00:30:55) Cisco Unified Mobility: simple concept, COMPLEX configuration! In this Nugget, you'll learn about Cisco Mobile Connect (aka Single Number Reach) along with Mobile Voice Access (MVA).[/wpspoiler]  
Кто знает, тот успешен
Cisco CNA ICND 2 200-101
Год выпуска: 2013CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Jeremy Cioara Продолжительность: 13:40:28 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание : Экзамены Cisco CCNA были изменены! Узнай все, что тебе нужно знать для нового экзамена ICND2 в этих видеоуроках. Джереми Сиора охватывает все темы нового экзамена ICND2 включая VPN, EIGRP, OSPF, HSRP, GLBP, и ,конечно, IPv6! Чтобы сдать экзамен "200-201", Вам нужны глубокие знания этих тем. Джереми, в этих видео начинает с лабораторной "зубрежки" из 5 частей, чтобы убедиться, что Вы обладаете необходимыми базовыми знаниями, для изучения ICND2. Эти видеоуроки углубляются в темы ICND2, чтобы дать Вам знания для успешной сдачи экзамена. [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. Welcome to ICND2: Cisco Certification and Getting the Most from this Course (00:16:15) You've made it to the ICND sequel; let's start it off right! In this opening Nugget, Jeremy describes the ICND2 certification (keyword: enrich!), walks through the Cisco certification program and study techniques you can use to approach the ICND2 exam. 2. ICND1 Review Lab, Part 1: Base Configurations (00:21:04) Welcome back! As ICND2 builds directly on the foundation of ICND1, it will serve you well to have an ICND1 "cram session." For the next five Nuggets, join Jeremy as he walks through a lab that covers most of the core concepts of the ICND1 course. In this Nugget, the focus is on the base configuration (hostname, passwords, console port configuration, logon banners, etc...). 3. ICND1 Review Lab, Part 2: IP Addressing (00:17:09) The ICND1 Review Lab continues with the configuration of IP addressing around the network (switch and router devices) and the hard coding of speed and duplex. 4. ICND1 Review Lab, Part 3: OSPF Configuration (00:27:35) Now the ICND1 Review lab gets good! This Nugget walks through the configuration of single-area OSPF and static routing. 5. ICND1 Review Lab, Part 4: VLAN Configuration (00:29:54) What's a network without VLANs?!? This MONSTER Nugget shows the configuration of trunk ports (limited to specific VLANs), VTP, Router on a Stick, DHCP services, and Inter-VLAN routing! Whew!! 6. ICND1 Review Lab, Part 5: NAT and Security (00:29:33) In this final Nugget in the ICND1 Review Lab, Jeremy tackles the configuration of NAT and access control lists (ACLs). Warning: The ACL configuration gets a little more complex than was intended; welcome to the "real world"! 7. Spanning Tree Protocol: Understanding STP (00:38:25) It's the number-one weakness of most network engineers' understanding: Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP)! Because this gem of a protocol is on and works fairly well by default, most engineers don't spend time to learn about it, much to the detriment of their network environment. In this Nugget, Jeremy talks about the benefits of switch redundancy, broadcast storms and how STP works, including root bridge election, port selection and convergence. For more information on Spanning Tree Protocol, check out Jeremy's Spanning Tree Protocol Configuration MicroNugget here. 8. Spanning Tree Protocol: Enhancements to STP (00:21:31) Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a fairly old protocol and existed during a time when brief outages were considered normal and acceptable. That's not the world we live in anymore! In this Nugget, Jeremy discusses the STP port transitioning process (blocking, listening, learning, forwarding), portfast, Per VLAN STP and Rapid STP. 9. EtherChannel: Bundling Gobs of Bandwidth (00:33:16) Just when you get done with Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) and realize just how wonderful it is, Jeremy says, "...but there's a better way!" Welcome to EtherChannel! In this Nugget, you'll learn the advantages of using EtherChannel over STP, the PAgP and LACP negotiation protocols, and the EtherChannel configuration, verification, and troubleshooting. 10. First Hop Redundancy Protocols: Understanding HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP (00:18:50) It's acronym soup! This Nugget is dedicated to unpacking the concepts behind layer 3 (router) redundancy. You will learn what First Hop Redundancy Protocols (FHRPs) do, the difference between the protocols and the detailed concepts of HSRP and GLBP. 11. First Hop Redundancy Protocols: Configuring HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP (00:41:37) Become an HSRP Master in four easy steps! This Nugget is dedicated to unpacking the HSRP in all its glory. You'll learn about standby IP addresses, interface tracking, authentication, timers, priority, preempt and more! 12. First Hop Redundancy Protocols: Configuring HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP, Part 2 (00:27:56) This Nugget picks up right where the last one left off and covers the VRRP and GLBP protocols. 13. WAN: Understanding WAN Connection Types (00:42:31) One of the key differentiation points between ICND1 and ICND2 is the focus on single-site (ICND1) or multi-site (ICND2). In this Nugget, Jeremy discusses the place of WAN connections, the physical connections, types of WAN connections (including circuit switched, packet switched, leased lines) and walks you through the leased line configuration of HDLC, PPP, and CHAP (PPP Authentication). 14. Frame Relay: Understanding Frame Relay (00:23:39) Welcome to the world of Packet Switched networks! Frame Relay is the token technology that typically represents the concepts behind ALL Packet Switched network technology. In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down the Frame Relay concepts and terms, especially focusing on the Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI). 15. Frame Relay: Understanding Frame Relay, Part 2 (00:24:31) The Frame Relay discussion continues as Jeremy looks at multiple design strategies: full mesh, partial mesh, hub-and-spoke, point-to-point and multipoint. 16. Frame Relay: Configuring Frame Relay (00:41:33) Buckle your seat belts - this one comes at you fast! In one action-packed Nugget, you'll learn the configuration of Frame Relay Multipoint, Point-to-Point and even Frame Relay switching (Service Provider-side of the game)! 17. VPNs: Understanding Big-Picture VPN Concepts (00:27:40) The concept is "Virtual" Private Networks (VPNs)...but are they REALLY private? How secure is this technology? In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down the concepts behind VPNs including the types of VPNs (Remote Access/Site-to-Site), VPN requirements (authentication, data integrity, confidentiality, and anti-replay) and IPSsec. 18. VPNs: Understanding Authentication, Encryption, Hashing (00:23:12) So your boss asks you, "What makes you so sure this VPN thing is secure?" Well, after this Nugget, you'll have a solid answer (and it's more than, "Because Jeremy said so!"). In this Nugget, you'll walk through the details of encryption (DES, 3DES, AES, Diffie-Helman, and RSA), authentication (pre-shared keys and PKI) and and hashing (MD5, SHA-1). 19. EIGRP: Distance Vector and Link State Routing Protocols (00:23:39) Which would you rather drive: a tractor or a sports car? Find out the RIGHT answer in this Nugget as Jeremy breaks down the difference between Distance Vector and Link State Routing Protocols. In addition, you'll learn the various Distance Vector Loop Prevention mechanisms: maximum distances, route poisoning, triggered updates, split horizon and hold down timers. 20. EIGRP: The Benefits, Terms, and Metrics of EIGRP (00:29:55) What makes EIGRP great? How does it really work "under the hood"? What is the theme song for Mr. Roger's Neighborhood? The answers to all of this and more in this Nugget! 21. EIGRP: Configuring EIGRP (00:46:15) It's time to put all those EIGRP concepts into action! Join Jeremy as he walks through base EIGRP configuration, auto-summarization, manual summarization, verification, authentication and passive interfaces. We simply couldn't fit any more into this Nugget! 22. OSPF: Concept Review and Neighbor Communication (00:46:25) Welcome back to the OSPF world! The ICND2-flavor of OSPF adds a little more "meat" to the topic that was originally introduced in ICND1. In this Nugget, you'll learn about the big-picture design of a multi-area OSPF environment, a breakdown of OSPF neighbor communication, and an understanding of the OSPF metric. 23. OSPF: Multi-Area Configuration and Verification (00:40:19) Get your brain ready for this one-this Nugget is ALL configuration! Join Jeremy as he reviews the configuration of single area OSPF (from ICND1), creates Area Border Routers (ABRs) and Autonomous System Boundary Routers (ASBRs) and implements summarization at both ABR and ASBR locations. 24. Device Management: Configuration, IOS, and Licensing Management (00:33:32) What's scarier: jumping out of an airplane or remote IOS upgrades? Jeremy argues the latter! In this Nugget, you'll learn the IOS boot and upgrade process, file management, and IOS 15 licensing. 25. Device Management: SNMP, Syslog, and Netflow (00:40:04) For DECADES, Cisco has missed adding key monitoring and management methods to their certification program. As of 2013, those methods have made their way into the ICND2 course! Learn the critical skills of monitoring (with SNMP), logging (with syslog), and tracking (with Netflow). 26. IPv6: Concept Review and General Troubleshooting (00:30:58)'s just like rolling down a grassy hill after 30 years (okay, just watch this Nugget and you'll understand). By time you're done here, you'll understand Link Local and Global IPv6 addressing, IPv6 base configuration, and troubleshooting. 27. IPv6: Routing Protocol Configuration (00:23:10) IPv6 routing protocols: configuration-wise everything has changed and yet conceptually nothing has changed at all! In this Nugget, Jeremy applies the skills you learned in working with the IPv4 flavors of EIGRP and OSPF and bridges them over to the IPv6 configuration.[/wpspoiler]  
Кто знает, тот успешен
Cisco VoIP CCNP Voice CIPT1 v8.0 642-447
Год выпуска: 2013CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Jeremy Cioara Продолжительность: 10:27:36 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: The CCNA Voice training is for anyone who would like to begin exploring Cisco Voice over IP (VoIP) technology. Voice over IP is now the “hot topic” – it’s no longer bleeding edge. Businesses around the world are realizing the cost savings, efficiency, and just plain “coolness” of combining their telephone and data networks into one unified system. Today, it’s rare to find a company not using VoIP! That said, there is a massive shortage of qualified people who can implement and support VoIP systems.
Just like the original Cisco CCNA, CCNA Voice hits the high points of the major VoIP technologies common in Cisco voice networks. These include:
• Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM – aka CallManager) • Cisco Unified Communication Manager Express (CME) • Cisco Unity Connection • Cisco Presence
So, in one series, you’re learning to work with four major products, which looks awesome on a resume!
This series goes far beyond the Cisco Certification exam. Jeremy adds extra material on the core products you deal with every day in the real-world: CUCM and CME. Of course, he carefully notes this to keep you from studying too much information if you’re preparing for the certification exam. Expect to walk away with the best of exam prep as well as real world skills!
Once someone has gone through this training, they’ll be a part of a small, select group of people who really understand VoIP technology. They’ll also be able to manage day-to-day operations of the VoIP system in small, mid-size, and large businesses. Businesses everywhere are looking for a person who can handle their basic routing & switching functions (CCNA) along with their voice network (CCNA Voice). [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. Welcome to CIPT 8.0: Cisco Certification and Getting the Most from this Series (00:08:33) Thanks for tuning in! In this Nugget, Jeremy outlines the purpose and vision for the series, discusses where CIPT 8.0 fits in the CCNP Voice certification, and goes through his recommendations for a VoIP home lab! 2. Unified Communications: What is CUCM? (00:07:29) It's only the CORE PRODUCT of Cisco's Voice over IP (VoIP) infrastructure (yes, this might be important)! In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down the functions of CUCM, the version history, and supported hardware. 3. CUCM Architecture: IP Phone Communication and Call Flow (00:06:12) So you know what CUCM is but how does it work? This Nugget is dedicated to illustrating the communication between the IP Phones and CUCM. Key signaling protocols Skinny (SCCP) and SIP are introduced as well as the audio streaming Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). 4. CUCM Architecture: Clustering and Database (00:05:44) The statement holds true in data networking just as it does in VoIP: Two is one, one is none! Redundancy is key. In this Nugget, Jeremy unpacks what is meant by a "CUCM Cluster" and breaks down the two cluster communication types: Database communication and Run-time communication. 5. CUCM Architecture: Call Processing Models (00:11:24) Your business is convinced - they give you the "go ahead" with the VoIP project... Now what? This Nugget breaks down the four Cisco-supported design models for use with CUCM: Single-site, Centralized, Distributed, and Clustering over WAN connections. 6. CUCM Architecture: Cluster Growth and Redundancy Considerations (00:08:13) This final Nugget focused on CUCM clustering demonstrates how to set up your environment for redundancy. Jeremy explores the 1:1 and 1:2 redundancy designs as well as shows how large you are able to grow your CUCM cluster. 7. CUCM Architecture: CUCM Licensing (00:06:30) It's exactly what the title says! This Nugget looks at CUCM Node licenses, software licenses, and Device License Units (DLUs). 8. Switch Integration: Three Key Switch Requirements (00:03:09) Your LAN switch infrastructure definitely needs a few features added to support the flood of Cisco IP Phones you're about to throw at it. In this Nugget, Jeremy discusses the three key features needed: Voice VLANs, Quality of Service (QoS), and Power over Ethernet (PoE). 9. Switch Integration: Configuring and Verifying PoE (00:10:19) Power over Ethernet (PoE) is on by default on Cisco switches which support this feature, but there are a few key items to discuss. This Nugget focuses on the PoE standards (Cisco Inline Power, 802.3af, and 802.3at), enabling and disabling the feature, and verifying which ports are using PoE. 10. Switch Integration: Configuring and Verifying Voice VLANs (00:07:44) Voice VLANs are necessary for two key reasons AND have two primary methods of configuration (old and new). Join Jeremy in this Nugget as he unpacks the details and walks through multiple configuration examples. 11. CUCM Installation: Installation Process (00:08:01) The theory becomes reality! Join Jeremy in this Nugget as he walks through the installation of CUCM in a virtualized (VMWare) environment reviewing hardware requirements, software locations, and implementation considerations. NOTE: You can perform this installation yourself using VMWare Server, ESXi, or Workstation. 12. CUCM Installation: Service Activation (00:03:45) The CUCM server installs ALL features but absolutely NONE of them work out of the box! This Nugget walks through the process of activating key services and eliminating the reliance on DNS. 13. CUCM Phone Configuration: Understanding Phone Options (00:09:20) It's the best part of any new technology: NEW TOYS! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the entry level, standard, and advanced Cisco IP Phones (6900, 7900, 8900, and 9900 series) as well as some of the specialty devices (Cisco ATA 186/188, VT Advantage). 14. CUCM Phone Configuration: Cisco IP Phone Boot Process (00:07:28) Understanding the boot and registration process of the Cisco IP Phone is the #1 key to troubleshooting! This Nugget walks through the process from Power over Ethernet (PoE) detection, Voice VLAN transmission, DHCP Request, TFTP configuration, and finally CUCM registration. 15. CUCM Phone Configuration: DHCP and DNS Services (00:09:26) CUCM isn't really meant to be a DHCP server...but it can be! In this Nugget, Jeremy discusses how to configure the DHCP functionality in CUCM to support Cisco IP Phones. He then dives into the even MORE important discussion of eliminating CUCM DNS reliance. 16. CUCM Phone Configuration: Understanding CODECs (00:08:29) Before the series becomes completely hands-on examples, there's a big theory chunk that's missing: COder/DECoders (CODECs). These little gems are responsible for converting spoken voice into digital communication that can be transmitted using VoIP. In this Nugget, Jeremy focuses on the four most common CODECs: G.711, G.722, G.729, and iLBC. 17. CUCM Phone Configuration: Device Pool Core Configuration (00:14:59) Similar to the concept of "groups" in Microsoft Active Directory administration, Device Pools allow bulk assignment of common settings in the CUCM environment. In this Nugget, you'll see the base configuration of the device pool as well as the three required elements: CUCM Group, Date/Time Group, and Regions. 18. CUCM Phone Configuration: Button Templates and Device Defaults (00:08:00) Button Templates give you the POWER OF CONTROL (enter loud, booming announcer) in the Cisco VoIP network. This Nugget walks through the configuration of three features: Button Templates (assign line and speed dial buttons), Softkey Templates (assign phone feature keys), and Device Defaults. 19. CUCM Phone Configuration: IP Phone Manual and Auto Registration (00:11:23) The entire series has led up to this point: ringing phones!!! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the manual configuration of Cisco IP Communicator and an auto-registered 7970 Cisco IP phone. 20. CUCM Phone Configuration: Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) (00:19:15) We bet you can't guess what this tool does, right? Even though it has a simple name, this tool is EXTREMELY powerful for your day-to-day CUCM administrative tasks: adding or deleting bulk devices or performing bulk updates. This Nugget focuses 100% on this utility as Jeremy shows you how to make massive tasks simpler with BAT! 21. CUCM User Management: Adding Local Users to CUCM (00:21:43) Unlike the legacy PBX days, you are now able to create user account for your VoIP system! These user accounts allow end-users to log in and manage their assigned devices (for features such as speed dial, forwarding, etc...). This Nugget illustrates the process of creating user accounts, assigning permissions and devices, and accessing the CCMUser web pages. 22. CUCM User Management: Managing Users via LDAP (00:19:45) Managing local users in CUCM is no fun if you already have a corporate LDAP directory (such as Microsoft Active Directory) that already contains all the user information. In this Nugget, Jeremy shows you how to integrate CUCM into various LDAP environments using LDAP Syncronization and LDAP Authentication. 23. CUCM Route Plan: Voice Gateway Types and Protocols (00:14:16) While internal calling can be fun, eventually your staff will want to reach out and dial outside numbers. Welcome to the CUCM Route Plan Nuggets! In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down the different types of voice gateway connections you can use (analog and digital) as well as the protocols you can use to integrate the voice gateways with CUCM: H.323, MGCP, and SIP. 24. CUCM Route Plan: Route Plan Fundamentals (00:15:03) Jeremy has designated this Nugget as the Most Valuable Part (MVP) of the entire series! In here, Jeremy breaks down the method CUCM uses to reach dialed numbers outside it's own database. Topics include Route Patterns, Route Lists, Route Groups, and Devices. 25. CUCM Route Plan: Understanding Route Patterns (00:19:45) Warning: Jeremy is taking an unconventional approach to breaking down the CUCM Route Plan implementation (are you surprised?)! In this Nugget, you'll learn to work with Route Patterns with a heavy emphasis on understanding the wildcards you can use to create large-scale route plans for enterprise organizations. 26. CUCM Route Plan: Understanding Route Plan Devices (00:22:56) Creating Route Patterns is great...but without the devices to get anywhere, you'll be dead in the water! In this Nugget, Jeremy breaks down the four primary devices you'll use in CUCM to connect outside the database cluster: H.323 Gateways, MGCP Gateways, SIP Trunks, and Intercluster Trunks. 27. CUCM Route Plan: Understanding Route Lists and Route Groups (00:11:31) It's time to tie the bow on the CUCM Route Plan package by adding Route Lists and Route Groups to the configuration. Despite his best intentions, Jeremy also steps slightly into call transformations as well (this is covered far more in the CUCM Advanced Route Plan Nuggets). 28. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Call Handling, T302, and Overlapping Dial Plans (00:22:08) GET YOUR NOTEBOOK READY! There will be plenty to write as you go through this Nugget. In this video, Jeremy begins to "fill in the cracks" of the CUCM Route Plan Fundamentals by discussing overlapping route plans, the T302 Interdigit Timeout timer, the Urgent Priority field, Call Classification, and finally, Route Filters. 29. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Manually Creating a PSTN Dial Plan (00:08:10) In this Nugget, Jeremy expands on his recommendation to NOT use the 9.@ route pattern. Rather than using broad wildcards, Jeremy suggests manually creating a PSTN dial plan. While this sounds daunting, by time you're done with this Nugget, you'll know exactly what to do. 30. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Using Digit Transformations (00:18:47) The dial plan of a VoIP system can be much MORE complex than that of the traditional PBX realm since a call can move in multiple directions (such as WAN and/or PSTN). In this Nugget, Jeremy discusses a failover situation where calls can transparently move from the WAN to the PSTN without user intervention. To do this, you'll learn about Calling and Called Party Transformations (such as discard digits, transformation masks, and prefix digits). 31. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Using Translation Patterns (00:08:40) So what is a CUCM Translation Pattern? Simply Calling and Called Party Transformations that can be applied globally in the CUCM cluster. If that sounds confusing, you'll want to watch this Nugget! 32. CUCM Advanced Route Plan: Configuring Hunt Groups (00:17:56) Good news! If you understand the CUCM Route Plan Fundamentals, Hunt Groups will be a piece of cake! Hunt Groups allow you to configure one number that rings to a group of people. In this Nugget, Jeremy masterfully walks through the breakdown of Hunt Pilots, Hunt Lists, and Line Groups. 33. Partitions and CSS: What is a Partition and CSS? (00:14:49) Because Partitions and Calling Search Spaces (CSSs) are likely the most difficult concepts in all CUCM, Jeremy decided to dedicate a specific sub-section to it. In this Nugget, you'll learn exactly what a Partition and CSS is and how you're able to use them. 34. Partitions and CSS: Partitions and CSS Examples (00:27:59) It's not REAL until you do it yourself (especially if you're a long armed mountain climber...just watch the Nugget)! In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through multiple practical examples of using Partitions and CSSs to implement calling restrictions. In addition, you'll see Partition and CSS configuration on CUCM! 35. Partitions and CSS: Central Dial Plan and Emergency Call Routing (00:14:18) Partitions and CSSs are not just for calling restrictions...they are FUNDAMENTAL to being able to properly implement central dial plans and emergency call routing! In this Nugget, Jeremy explores the implementation and caveats of this concept. 36. Partitions and CSS: Implementing Calling Restrictions, Best Practices (00:08:51) Why wait years to discover some of the CUCM dial plan best practices through trial and error when you can learn them right now? In this Nugget, Jeremy talks through simple and salable methods you can use to design Partitions and CSSs the right way from the onset. 37. Partitions and CSS: Voice Gateways, Call Forwarding, and PLAR (00:14:10) WARNING: Do not implement Partitions and CSSs without watching this Nugget first - you WILL cause a complete shutdown of your trunk connections! Why? Because Partitions and CSSs impact gateways and trunks in the same way they do phones. Tune in here to find out what you need to do. In addition, Jeremy discusses the Partition and CSS impact on call forwarding restrictions as well as how to implement Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR - aka "The Batphone"). 38. Partitions and CSS: Time of Day Routing (00:20:39) The uses are endless: routing calls to receptionists by day, voicemail by night; passing calls to the correct sales group based on timezone; blocking international calls after hours...You get the picture! By time you're done with this Nugget, you'll be able to solve nearly any scenario using Partitions and CSSs with Time of Day routing! 39. Partitions and CSS: Client Matter Codes (CMCs) and Forced Authorization Codes (FACs) (00:09:49) Partitions and CSSs work well when you want to say, "you NEVER have access to dial these numbers." However, what if you wanted to say, "Well, you have access SOMETIMES, but we'll definitely know when you're doing it." Welcome to Client Matter Codes (CMCs) and Forced Authorization Codes (FACs). In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the purpose of each feature and how to implement it. 40. CUCM Features: Understanding Media Resources (00:20:57) There are many features that just "happen" on the VoIP network that we take for granted: hold, transfer, conference, music on hold...the list goes on. ALL of these features require resources to support them: Media Termination Points (MTP), Conference Bridges (CFB), Music on Hold (MOH), Transcoding (XCODE), and Annunciator (ANN). This Nugget provides an over view of each service detailing is function and placement in the VoIP network. 41. CUCM Features: Implementing Conference Resources (00:06:19) While the CUCM Voice Media Streaming App is the primary source of software-based conferencing, CUCM supports DSP-based hardware resources as well. In this Nugget, Jeremy show how to manage both styles of conference resource and discusses tuning the conferencing service parameters. 42. CUCM Features: Managing Music on Hold Resources (00:14:11) The name of the Nugget says it all. Come here to learn how to add Music on Hold (MOH) Audio Sources (including the Fixed Audio Source), manage unicast/multicast MOH, and assign MOH sources to IP phones and Common Configuration Profiles. In addition, after watching the first 15 seconds of this Nugget, you'll also realize why Jeremy is an IT trainer and NOT a blues band vocalist. 43. CUCM Features: Managing Media Resource Access (00:07:52) CUCM treats the media resources you add to the cluster like a bowl full of goldfish: it simply grabs the first one it can from the bowl when they are needed (this is known as the NULL Media Resource Group). In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the methods of categorizing, grouping, and prioritizing which media resources CUCM should use FIRST when they are requested. 44. CUCM Features: Configuring IP Phone Services (00:12:44) Just like the Apple iPhone, Cisco IP Phone supports applications too (albeit not as entertaining as the Apple iPhone)! In this Nugget, you'll see the types of services supported by Cisco IP Phones and walk through the necessary configuration to provision these services. 45. CUCM Features: Call Back, Call Park, Call Pickup (00:17:43) This Nugget covers three features to enhance your Cisco IP Telephony system: Call Back (notifies you when a user is available), Call Park (placing a call on hold at an assigned extension), and Call Pickup (answering another ringing phone from your own device). 46. CUCM Features: Configuring Presence Speed Dials and Directories (00:06:44) Instant messaging is such a handy form of communication because you can see the status of other users before you ever message them! It's the same way with Presence: you're now able to see the status of another user of the phone system before you ever call them. In this Nugget, Jeremy illustrates how to configure Presenece-enabled speed dials, call directories, and SIP Trunks 47. CUCM Features: Presence Access Control (00:08:47) Once your users know they are being monitored by a SIP "watcher," they may not be as comfortable picking up their phone. In this Nugget, you'll learn two methods of access control for Presence: Partitions and Subscribe CSSs and Presence Policies. 48. CUCM Features: Understanding and Configuring Unified Mobility (00:30:55) Cisco Unified Mobility: simple concept, COMPLEX configuration! In this Nugget, you'll learn about Cisco Mobile Connect (aka Single Number Reach) along with Mobile Voice Access (MVA).[/wpspoiler]
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Cisco VoIP CCNA Voice ICOMM 640-461
Год выпуска: 2011CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Jeremy Cioara Продолжительность19:05:50 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание The CCNA Voice training is for anyone who would like to begin exploring Cisco Voice over IP (VoIP) technology. Voice over IP is now the “hot topic” – it’s no longer bleeding edge. Businesses around the world are realizing the cost savings, efficiency, and just plain “coolness” of combining their telephone and data networks into one unified system. Today, it’s rare to find a company not using VoIP! That said, there is a massive shortage of qualified people who can implement and support VoIP systems.
Just like the original Cisco CCNA, CCNA Voice hits the high points of the major VoIP technologies common in Cisco voice networks. These include:
• Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM – aka CallManager) • Cisco Unified Communication Manager Express (CME) • Cisco Unity Connection • Cisco Presence
So, in one series, you’re learning to work with four major products, which looks awesome on a resume!
This series goes far beyond the Cisco Certification exam. Jeremy adds extra material on the core products you deal with every day in the real-world: CUCM and CME. Of course, he carefully notes this to keep you from studying too much information if you’re preparing for the certification exam. Expect to walk away with the best of exam prep as well as real world skills!
Once someone has gone through this training, they’ll be a part of a small, select group of people who really understand VoIP technology. They’ll also be able to manage day-to-day operations of the VoIP system in small, mid-size, and large businesses. Businesses everywhere are looking for a person who can handle their basic routing & switching functions (CCNA) along with their voice network (CCNA Voice). [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. CCNA Voice: Certification and Getting the Most from this Series (00:34:56) With every new program, there is typically an included "Read Me First" text file. In the same sense, consider this nugget the "Watch Me First" of the series. This Nugget presents the strategies you can use for getting the most from the series, changes to the Cisco certification program, and the ideal CCNA Voice lab environment. 2. Welcome to VoIP: Voice in a Packet...What's the Big Deal? (00:26:48) The world of voice technology is changing...but why? This Nugget is focused on explaining the merge of voice, video, and data, why a business would want to use VoIP, and the phases of migration to VoIP. 3. Unified Solutions Overview: Cisco CME and CUCM (00:24:29) The two core call processing systems offered by Cisco are Communication Manager Express (CME) and Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM). This Nugget discusses an overview of each product and fills in the "what do I buy?" questions. 4. Unified Solutions Overview: Cisco Unity Connection and Unified Presence (00:18:20) Cisco Unity Connection and Unified Presence provide the voicemail and monitoring supplementary services on your voice network. In this Nugget, Jeremy provides an overview of each product. 5. Historic Voice: Analog Signaling (00:32:46) VoIP networks are the "new thing" of network technology...which implies that there is an "old thing" still in existence. That "old thing" is analog and digital communication technology. Since VoIP networks must integrate tightly with the legacy voice world, a good understanding of analog and digital is necessary. In this Nugget, Jeremy explores the properties of analog connectivity and signaling. 6. Historic Voice: Digital Signaling (00:24:44) Moving on in the legacy voice realm, this nugget explains digital connections and the extremely important process of converting analog communication to digital. 7. Modern Voice: VoIP Foundations (00:39:46) The name doesn't lie - this Nugget truly sets the foundation for the rest of the series! Here, Jeremy discusses three major topics: call processing models (centralized, distributed), key voice protocols (H.323, MGCP, SIP), and voice deployment models (single site, central site, distributed). 8. Network Foundations: Preparing the Infrastructure for VoIP (00:44:25) A Cisco VoIP network is only as good as its foundation. In order to support reliable, high-quality voice traffic, the network infrastructure must support new, key features. This Nugget specifically focuses on Power over Ethernet (PoE) and Voice VLAN concepts and configurations. 9. Network Foundations: Preparing the Infrastructure for VoIP, Part 2 (00:39:48) This Nugget continues the discussion of the network infrastructure by exploring the Cisco IP phone boot process, IP phone DHCP support, and the Network Time Protocol (NTP) implementation. 10. Cisco CME: Getting Familiar with Administration (00:21:19) The main hindrance to learning a new product is the "not knowing where to start" feeling. In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the methods you can use to get started in managing your CME voice system. 11. Cisco CME: Ephones and Ephone-DNs (00:29:43) As you might imagine, most of your focus in configuring a new VoIP system is managing the phones. Ephones and Ephone-DNs are CME's objects that tie directly to the Cisco IP Phone configuration. This initial Ephone Nugget covers the core Ephone/Ephone-DN configuration. 12. Cisco CME: Ephones and Ephone-DNs, Part 2 (00:42:24) The Ephone fun continues as Jeremy discusses "advanced" phone configuration options. In here, you'll learn the many possibilities of the "button" command, shared line/overlay configurations, and auto-registration. 13. Cisco CME: Management using the Cisco Configuration Professional (00:24:14) Cisco's latest GUI-based utility to manage their routers is called Cisco Configuration Professional (CCP). This Nugget explores how you can manage the CME router using this sweet utility. 14. Cisco CME: Management using the Cisco Configuration Professional, Part 2 (00:42:29) The CCP madness continues as Jeremy discusses the configuration of the core CME phone features using CCP. 15. Gateways and Trunks: Understanding Voice CODECs (00:41:09) Now that you have configured the CME for local communication, it's time to reach out to the outside world with our voice gateway and trunk configurations. This initial Nugget focuses around a discussion of audio coder/decoders (CODECs) and determining bandwidth requirements for VoIP communication. 16. Gateways and Trunks: Connecting to Other Voice Systems (00:35:43) CME can connect to two types of voice networks through gateways and trunks: legacy voice (analog and digital) and VoIP. This Nugget discusses the methods and protocols you can use when configuring these connections. 17. Gateways and Trunks: Understanding and Configuring Dial Peers (00:43:59) Dial-peers are used to define the "routing table for voice traffic." This Nugget discusses the core concepts behind dial-peers (call legs) and the base configuration of Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) and VoIP dial-peers. 18. Gateways and Trunks: Understanding and Configuring Dial Peers, Part 2 (00:41:51) The dial-peer discussion continues as Jeremy explores common dial-peer wildcards and the process used by routers to match inbound and outbound dial-peers to correctly route calls. 19. Gateways and Trunks: Manipulating Dialed Digits (00:27:12) There are many times in the configuration of a voice network where you will need to modify dialed number information. That's the primary topic of this Nugget: digit manipulation. In here, Jeremy presents multiple practical scenarios and the digit manipulation techniques you can use to meet customer requirements. 20. Gateways and Trunks: Implementing Class of Restriction (COR) (00:24:46) No, it's NOT okay if you call that number! Class of Restriction (COR) allows you to place restrictions on dialed numbers in the CME environment. In this Nugget, Jeremy works through the concepts and multiple practical examples of using COR. 21. Gateways and Trunks: Understanding QoS (00:38:03) Without Quality of Service (QoS), data traffic can quickly trample your voice network to smithereens. This Nugget explores the QoS tools you can use to fight the data villains. 22. Cisco CUCM: Administration Overview (00:26:35) The main hindrance to learning a new product is the "not knowing where to start" feeling. In this Nugget, Jeremy walks through the methods you can use to get started in managing your CUCM voice system. 23. Cisco CUCM: Supporting End Devices (00:36:16) What's a voice network without phones?!? In this nugget, Jeremy walks through the methods you can use to add phones to your CUCM system along with the configuration of Device Pools. 24. Cisco CUCM: Supporting End Devices, Part 2 (00:39:12) The phone configuration continues as Jeremy adds phones manually, through auto-registration, and using the Bulk Administration Tool (BAT). 25. Cisco CUCM: Supporting End Users (00:23:01) In the CUCM environment, IP phones comprise just one of your management tasks; user management has also crept into your scope of work! This Nugget discusses the benefits of using user accounts with the phone system, the difference between End Users and Application Users, and finally the process to configure user accounts in your CUCM cluster. 26. Cisco CUCM: Supporting End Users, Part 2 (00:44:24) The CUCM user management continues! In this Nugget, Jeremy demonstrates how to use the Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) to manage users by the truckload. After this, he configures LDAP Synchronization and Authentication to link the CUCM and Active Directory databases. Finally, Jeremy discusses the configuration of user groups, roles, and privileges to create other CUCM administrators. 27. Cisco CUCM: Understanding Dial Plan (00:43:55) Specifically designated as the Most Valuable Part (MVP) of the series, this Nugget discusses the core route plan structure and configuration. By time you're done here, you'll be putting together the Route Patterns, Route Lists, and Route Groups into a congruent system. 28. Cisco CUCM: Partitions and Calling Search Spaces (00:36:24) Partitions and Calling Search Spaces (CSSs) are by far the most complex topic in the CUCM route plan architecture. This Nugget helps you to understand the purpose and use of Partitions and CSSs and walks through practice scenarios which employs them to accomplish specific objectives. 29. Cisco CUCM: CUCM Feature Overview (00:47:59) It's CUCM feature madness! This Nugget dives into the common and not-so-common CUCM features: Call Park, Call Pickup, Shared Lines, Do not Disturb, Call Back, Barge, and XML Services. 30. Cisco Unity Connection: Working with CUC (00:45:25) What's a voice network without voice mail? This Nugget focuses on the core concepts of Cisco Unity Connection (CUC), CUCM and CUC integration, and the configuration of voice mailboxes on the CUC server. 31. Cisco Unified Presence: Overview and Communication (00:30:15) So you've got a phone system. You have voice mail. How can you make it even better? Add Presence! In this Nugget, Jeremy talks through the operation and configuration of the Cisco Unified Presence Server (CUPS) and its integration with CUCM. 32. Voice Troubleshooting: Overview and Cisco CME (00:40:29) Let the troubleshooting begin! In this Nugget, Jeremy gives a heartfelt plea for a troubleshooting methodology (you'll see what we mean), then walks through the two most common troubleshooting spots for CME: phone registration and dial plans. 33. Voice Troubleshooting: Cisco CUCM (00:33:01) All eyes turn to the CUCM server as the troubleshooting Nuggets continue. Because CUCM troubleshooting can be a massive topic, Jeremy focuses on the core topics: troubleshooting registration issues, generating reports, Cisco Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) and Disaster Recovery System (DRS).[/wpspoiler]
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