Designing VMware Infrastructure
[caption id="attachment_773" align="alignright" width="250"]designing-vmware-infrastructure designing-vmware-infrastructure[/caption] Год выпуска: 2011 Автор: Jeremy Cioara Продолжительность: 10:59:17 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей   Описание: This file has been put together to address common issues that have come up with the Train Signal AVI files embedded in html. See our forums at http://forums.trainsignal.com/forumdisplay.php?f=5 for technical support.   [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ]
  • Getting Started with Designing VMware Infrastructure 00:04:39
  • Get Started 04:39
  • Designing vSphere Environments in the Real World 00:20:50
  • Introduction 00:32
  • Introducing the Role of a vSphere Architect 05:24
  • Examining the Components of a vSphere Design 01:44
  • Reviewing a vSphere Design 12:14
  • What We Covered 00:56
  • Understanding vSphere Design Terminology 00:15:42
  • Introduction 00:41
  • Seeing the Need for Design Terminology 01:15
  • Understanding Requirements 04:30
  • Examining Risks 02:38
  • Explaining Assumptions 02:35
  • Reviewing Constraints 02:05
  • Fitting All These Together 01:23
  • What We Covered 00:35
  • Determining vSphere Design Factors 00:24:48
  • Introduction 03:33
  • Determining the Design Factors 02:45
  • Gathering Information for Requirements 05:54
  • Defining Requirements 05:09
  • Identifying Risks, Constraints, and Assumptions 06:44
  • What We Covered 00:43
  • Defining a Logical Design 00:16:51
  • Introduction 00:41
  • Understanding Logical and Physical Designs 02:33
  • Comparing Logical and Physical Designs 03:34
  • Explaining the Role of a Logical Design 02:52
  • Mapping Service Dependencies 04:38
  • Examining the Components of a Logical Design 01:45
  • What We Covered 00:48
  • Defining a Logical Compute Design 00:18:44
  • Introduction 01:05
  • Defining a Logical Compute Design 03:31
  • Determining Values to Specify 01:23
  • Looking at Example Logical Compute Designs 07:05
  • Examining Related Areas 04:34
  • What We Covered 01:06
  • Creating a Logical Network Design 00:20:56
  • Introduction 01:09
  • Defining a Logical Network Design 01:20
  • Deriving the Logical Network Design 03:32
  • Describing the Virtual Network Topology 06:03
  • Describing the Physical Network Topology 01:12
  • Examining Related Areas 06:08
  • What We Covered 01:32
  • Creating a Logical Storage Design 00:18:34
  • Introduction 01:05
  • Examining a Logical Storage Design 01:49
  • Calculating Logical Storage Design Specifications 11:06
  • Exploring Related Areas 03:24
  • What We Covered 01:10
  • Building Security Into the Logical Design 00:21:00
  • Introduction 01:00
  • Reviewing Available Security Solutions 03:47
  • Mapping Requirements to Security Solutions 07:20
  • Considering Related Areas 02:49
  • Examining Design Impact 05:05
  • What We Covered 00:59
  • Specifying Backup and Availability in the Logical Design 00:19:32
  • Introduction 02:42
  • Examining Backup and Availability Needs 01:36
  • Surveying Backup and Availability Solutions 02:36
  • Identifying Backup and Availability Requirements 01:44
  • Evaluating Solutions Based on Requirements 04:14
  • Reviewing Related Areas 01:28
  • Analyzing Design Impact 03:57
  • What We Covered 01:15
  • Designing the Management Layer 00:21:20
  • Introduction 01:10
  • Reviewing Broad Management Strategies 08:11
  • Incorporating Security Solutions 02:32
  • Incorporating Backup and Availability Solutions 02:30
  • Accommodating Other Management Components 01:16
  • Identifying Dependencies and Impacts 04:28
  • What We Covered 01:13
  • Mapping the Logical Design to Actual Solutions 00:19:26
  • Introduction 01:17
  • Reviewing What We've Covered So Far 02:39
  • Taking the Next Step in the Design Process 01:17
  • Examining How to Map Solutions 08:24
  • Selecting Solutions 02:28
  • Analyzing for Design Impact 01:56
  • What We Covered 01:25
  • Creating a Physical Storage Design 00:29:39
  • Introduction 01:13
  • Reviewing the Logical Storage Design 01:54
  • Examining the Key Storage Solution Decisions 02:53
  • Choosing the Physical Storage Solution 08:27
  • Incorporating VMware Technologies 01:49
  • Analyzing for Design Impact 12:00
  • What We Covered 01:23
  • Creating a Physical Network Design 00:22:51
  • Introduction 01:12
  • Reexamining the Logical Network Design 01:41
  • Listing the Key Network Design Decisions 06:21
  • Building the Physical Network Design 07:59
  • Analyzing for Design Impact 04:50
  • What We Covered 00:48
  • Sizing Hosts, Clusters, and Resource Pools 00:24:22
  • Introduction 01:08
  • Looking Back at the Logical Compute Design 01:25
  • Sizing Hosts 07:36
  • Creating Clusters 06:13
  • Scoping Resource Pools 03:10
  • Putting Things Together 02:02
  • Analyzing for Design Impact 01:32
  • What We Covered 01:16
  • Defining VM Attributes 00:20:06
  • Introduction 00:53
  • Fitting VM Configuration into the Design 02:31
  • Allocating Resources to VMs 06:43
  • Configuring VMs for Availability 02:46
  • Deploying VMs 01:29
  • Analyzing for Design Impact 04:46
  • What We Covered 00:58
  • Incorporating Implementation and Test Plans 00:12:53
  • Introduction 00:42
  • Examining Implementation Planning 01:05
  • Creating an Implementation Plan 03:38
  • Understanding the Need for Test Plans 01:13
  • Reviewing the Types of Testing 01:24
  • Documenting Your Testing 04:10
  • What We Covered 00:41
  • Bringing It All Together 00:27:19
  • Introduction 01:16
  • Working Through the Scenario 24:49
  • What We Covered 01:14
  • Preparing for Your VCAP-DCD Certification Exam 00:04:56
  • Preparing for Your VCAP-DCD Certification Exam 04:56
  • Next Steps 00:06:22
Кто знает, тот успешен
VMware Virtualization VCP vSphere 5
Год выпуска: 2012CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Greg Shields Продолжительность: 10:59:17 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: VMware's vSphere 5 is an enterprise-ready virtualization solution. Trainer Greg Shields will introduce you to VMware and vSphere, preparing you for the VMware vSphere 5 certification, Certified Professional 5, or VCP5, exam. You won't just have what it takes to take the exam, you'll learn career-critical virtualization skills in this Nugget series. Related area of expertise: Virtualization [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. Introduction to VMware, vSphere, and the VCP5 (00:35:48) With this first Nugget, Greg will familiarize you with his teaching style and the products to be discussed. Get to know VMware, its vSphere platform, and the topics of greatest importance in this kick-off Nugget. 2. Identify vSphere Architecture and Solutions (00:19:29) Any virtual environment is comprised of a lot of moving parts. vSphere 5 is no different. With ESXi hypervisors, vCenter Server and Client management tools, and everything in between, this Nugget prepares you for understanding how the entire solution fits together. 3. Install and Configure vCenter Server (00:26:26) With all the preparatory work out of the way, our first job is getting vSphere’s management studio installed and ready for ESXi hosts. That studio, the vCenter Server, is the central location for configuring and controlling almost every facet of your vSphere environment. You’ll get it installed and configured in this Nugget. 4. Install and Configure VMware ESXi (00:25:38) With vCenter ready for action, next up is preparing the hypervisors themselves for running virtual machines. We won’t be ready for creating our first virtual machines for a few more nuggets, but at this point we'll run through the installation and initial configuration of ESXi. You’ll see how this almost appliance-like hypervisor gets installed, how its networking is prepared, and how it gets connected into vCenter. 5. Configure vNetwork Standard Switches & vSS Policies (00:26:00) If you’re new to virtualization, an ESXi server will be unlike almost any other server you’ve worked with before. Able to support trunked network connections just as easily as those at your network’s access layer, you’ll need to know how to correctly work with ESXi’s vNetwork Standard Switches. That knowledge, along with a full explanation of all its configuration options, are in this Nugget. 6. Configure Shared Storage for vSphere (00:22:59) Storage is the next configuration before we can create virtual machines. And in the vSphere virtual world, that storage is shared storage. Unlike the direct attached disks that are connected to a server’s hardware chassis, shared storage means SAN storage. You’ll be configuring exactly that shared storage for later use by your virtual machines in this Nugget. 7. Create and Configure VMFS Datastores (00:21:11) Configuring the connection to storage is but the first step in the process. Making that storage production-worthy requires redundancy and multiple paths. With the connection ready, you also require extra work in creating VMFS datastores. Those datastores are the file system in which your virtual machines will operate. You’ll also get an introduction to some of vSphere’s newest technologies like User-defined Storage Capabilities and Storage I/O Control. 8. Create and Deploy Virtual Machines & vApps (00:30:12) Only after ESXi’s operating system, its vSwitches, and its shared storage are configured can you begin creating and working with virtual machines. In this Nugget you’ll get that opportunity. You’ll also learn about how virtual machines can be aggregated together into vApps for easier management, as well as how to P2V convert a physical (or other hypervisor’s virtual) machine into a VM that’s ready for vSphere. 9. Administer and Migrate Virtual Machines and vApps (00:34:27) You created and deployed virtual machines in the last Nugget; in this one you’ll be administering their more advanced settings. Those include VM options, resource controls, virtual disk provisioning formats, and your very first experiences with VMware’s much-lauded vMotion capabilities. 10. Configure VMware Clusters and Resource Pools (00:44:09) vMotion is an exciting new tool for keeping virtual machines highly available. But vMotion by itself is only one part of the solution. Wrapping around vMotion are a series of monitors and an availability model that keeps VMs best distributed across available hosts. It also returns them back to service quickly after a failure. VMware HA and DRS all source from VMware Clusters. Constraining VM resources is accomplished with Resource Pools. You’ll learn about both in this deep-dive Nugget. 11. Manage Virtual Machine Clones and Templates (00:18:42) A virtual machine that’s powered off is nothing more than a file on disk. Even one that’s powered on, with the right tools, can be “copied and pasted” just like a file. That ease of replicating VMs feeds directly into this Nugget on managing VM clones and templates. You’ll learn the best practices and the step-by-step to cloning your virtual machines and starting their lives via “golden image” templates. 12. Backup and Restore Virtual Machines (00:22:08) Every IT workload requires backups, even if you hope to never have to resort to restores. Yet virtualization has a tendency to complicate backups even as it makes them better for restorations. You’ll learn the science behind virtualization’s multiple backup perspectives, and then dig into VMware’s Data Recovery Appliance to see how VMs can be backed up and restored in vSphere. 13. Update and Profile ESXi Hosts (00:26:20) Everything that makes up an ESXi host is contained within its files. That file-based nature to ESXi’s operating system makes it easy to do configuration control – if you have an automated solution to gather all the settings that make sense. The tool to do so is vCenter Server’s Host Profiles. Watch this Nugget and you’ll quickly be profiling host configurations, comparing those profiles to other hosts, and ensuring that your entire environment is perfectly baselined to your exacting specifications. 14. Configure vNetwork Distributed Switches & vDS Policies (00:22:39) vNetwork Standard Switches might work great when you’ve got just a few hosts, but they suffer from the fact that each host requires individual configuration. For larger environments, or those that want assured vSwitch configuration similarity, the answer is vNetwork Distributed Switches. These special switches operate at the datacenter layer, and provide a policy-based approach for ensuring every ESXi host’s networking is correct. 15. Secure vCenter Server and ESXi (00:16:56) The only thing with vSphere that’s more important than backups is security. You’ve got to make sure your servers are patched and backed up for sure, but you’ve also got to ensure that they have the right security settings. Also important is delivering precise permissions to your fellow IT professionals (and even those special individuals outside IT who need access). You’ll learn all this in this Nugget’s security-focused conversation. 16. Plan and Implement VMware Fault Tolerance (00:17:12) What do you do when a vSphere Cluster’s HA just isn’t enough? What do you do when even a second of downtime is too long? That’s when VMware Fault Tolerance becomes your best friend. By creating two virtual machines that operate in lock step with each other, FT ensures that any host failure won’t impact a protected VM. FT-protected VMs immediately come online with incredible speed. 17. Configure the vSphere Storage Appliance (00:21:03) Don’t have a SAN and don’t want to buy one? Still want all the high availability features of vSphere? The vSphere Storage Appliance provides one option that might be of use. While it arrives with an array of limitations, this first-generation appliance can indeed create a highly-available vSphere environment without needing shared storage. 18. Perform Basic vSphere Troubleshooting (00:17:22) Even the best run vSphere environment occasionally experiences problems, and when those problems occur, it’s your job to track them down. That’s why this entire Nugget is dedicated to troubleshooting ESXi. While the actual mapping between behaviors and resolutions is perhaps best left for the vSphere documentation, this Nugget will show you the tools you have at your disposal for tracking down big problems. 19. Monitor vCenter and Administer Alarms (00:28:13) Yellow and red lights are never a good thing when they’re seen in a solution’s management console. But sometimes those lights aren’t well tuned. Other times you might just prefer to turn them off. You’ll learn how to tune vCenter’s alarm structure in this Nugget. With the information you learn here, you’ll know that every warning light has meaning. 20. Plan and Perform vCenter Server and ESXi Upgrades (00:14:49) The upgrade process in vSphere 5 gets easier than ever with new and improved technologies like vCenter Update Manager and Auto Deploy. But even with these tools at your disposal, you still need the right set of steps to get your upgrade completed successfully. You’ll get exposed to the tools and learn the proper steps in this final Nugget.   [/wpspoiler]  
Кто знает, тот успешен
VMware Virtualization VCP vSphere 4
Год выпуска: 2011CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Greg Shields Продолжительность: 06:51:26 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: Whether you're an experienced virtual administrator or a beginner, this outstanding VMware vSphere 4 training is exactly what you're looking for. Greg Shields is revered as a virtualization guru. After watching this course you'll have a wealth of insider information at your fingertips on how best to build storage, networking, performance management, backup, and disaster recovery elements into your VMware ESX environment. Greg's careful step-by-step VMware virtualization training is your best option for building success into your VMware virtual infrastructure -- while furthering your preparation for the VCP examination. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective holders. [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. Introduction to VMware, vSphere, and the VCP & VCDX Certifications (00:17:14) Welcome to this Mastering VMware vSphere training course. Starting out the course is a look at VMware and vSphere, a review of the course, a look at the network that we will be creating throughout the course, and a snapshot of the VCP examination. 2. Understanding VMware's Solution Suite (00:19:21) Understanding vSphere is one thing, but this product is only one in an entire suite of VMware solutions. In this nugget, you’ll learn about vSphere’s positioning in relation to the other products in VMware’s datacenter portfolio. You’ll also come to understand the core differences between ESX & ESXi as well as between Type I and Type 2 hypervisors (and why one is far better than the other for performance). 3. Installing your First ESX & ESXi Server (00:27:35) Getting off on the right foot is the installation of your first ESX and ESXi servers. While relatively easy, this process has a few gotchas that you’ll need to know to be successful. This nugget also sets up the core hypervisor infrastructure that will be used throughout the rest of the course. 4. Configuring Networking & Virtual Switches (00:23:11) Once installed, the first step with any ESX rollout is involved with correctly configuring its network connections. An ESX server tends to use a far greater number of NICs than a traditional physical server. This means that keeping each connection straight is important. In this nugget, you’ll learn about the three types of connections as well as where they make sense to implement. 5. Connecting to & Working with Storage (00:28:00) Fibre Channel, iSCSI, DAS, NFS: ESX can leverage many different types of storage. And while each storage type might look similar in ESX’s management GUI, they all have their idiosyncrasies. This nugget explores each of the different types of storage, and provides a detailed walk-through of configuring iSCSI storage. Following along with your own environment? Don’t fear: You’ll learn about some free tools that enable easily creating your own shared storage. 6. Configuring VMFS Datastores (00:19:29) Creating your connections to storage is only the first step. Like with NTFS volumes, the real work happens after that storage is formatted and made ready for use by the OS. The same holds true in VMFS, where you’ll learn about datastores, how they’re created and configured, and how to work with them in operations. 7. Installing vCenter Server (00:20:34) Getting a single ESX server installed builds you a starter environment for your virtual infrastructure. But to go much beyond one or two ESX servers, you really need added management automation. Get that with vCenter Server. This nugget explores the installation of vCenter Server, as well as its prerequisites and the architectural decisions you’ll need to make prior to dropping its DVD into your drive. 8. Managing vSphere with vCenter Server (00:20:29) Once installed, vSphere requires a bit of management as you’re ready to begin attaching ESX hosts. Although the vCenter Client looks similar when connected to ESX hosts or a vCenter Server, you’ll find that there’re a far greater number of options to consider. In this nugget you’ll learn about those options as well as the best practices for employing them. 9. Deploying & Managing VMs and vApps in vCenter Server (00:36:01) Never thought it would take half a course before starting to work with your first virtual machines, eh? Nine videos in, we’ve finally completed the necessary configurations to start deploying and managing VMs and vApps within vCenter Server. This video discusses how to work with VMs, best practices for dealing with their management, and when you might consolidate VMs together to create slightly-more-powerful vApps. 10. Migrating Virtual Machines, VMotion & Storage VMotion (00:15:39) VMotion is the hot topic when it comes to ESX and vCenter, but you can’t get there with just a few clicks. Actually creating an environment that enables VMotion and Storage VMotion requires additional configuration. This nugget discusses what you need, how to set it up, and how to be successful with the three different types of VMotion that are now available in vCenter 4.0. 11. Managing Clusters, Resource Pools, & Fault Tolerance (00:31:36) While VMotion gets most of the press for its fantastic capabilities, the real excitement comes in the technologies that wrap around VMotion. Clusters, Resource Pools, Fault Tolerance, HA, and DRS: All of these integrate monitoring data with motioning technologies to create a highly-available infrastructure. If you thought VMotion was cool, you’ll really appreciate the automation that these technologies add to it. 12. Installing & Managing vCenter Server Plug-ins (00:21:06) vCenter arrives with a highly extensible architecture, enabling you to install plug-ins when needed to add new functionality. This nugget starts a mini-series of vCenter plug-ins by explaining the plug-in architecture within the framework of VMware’s P2V products: VMware Converter and VMware Guided Consolidation. These two tools enable the automated Physical-2-Virtual conversion of virtual machines, adding performance management and actionable intelligence to candidacy and placement decisions. 13. Working with ESX Host Profiles (00:08:23) Are you suffering under the weight of compliance regulations? Do you need to work overtime to maintain a baseline of configurations? If you do, then you’ll appreciate ESX Host Profiles. This feature creates an automated baseline of a “golden” ESX server, allowing you to compare every other ESX host against its reference profile. The result is a quick-and-easy solution for identifying where configurations aren’t correct, and a boon for large environments who must follow baselines. 14. Working with vCenter Update Manager (00:23:08) Updating ESX and vCenter was easy when there weren’t many patches. But as the product grew and developed, its required number of patches also grew in size. Thus, the reason for vCenter Update Manager. This tool creates baselines of patches, deploying those which are missing to hosts that need them. Better yet, you can use Update Manager to patch your virtual machines as well, installing patches for OS updates as well as some notable applications. Very powerful this tool. 15. Planning & Executing a vSphere Upgrade (00:11:05) vCenter Update Manager also works as a solution for upgrading ESX servers as well. While your upgrade activity might be a one-time event, getting it done in a reasonable amount of time requires automation. You get that automation through Update Manager, or the VMware Host Update Utility. You’ll see both in this nugget. 16. Virtual Machine Backup & Restore (00:21:56) Converting physical machines to virtual improves their backups while it at the same time complicates their backups. When you work with virtual machines, the “perspectives” from where your backups are sourced grow in number. You need to know the best practices for backups, as well as the tools with which to accomplish those backups. In this nugget, you’ll see the VMware Backup Appliance as well as discuss other solutions with greater capabilities. 17. Troubleshooting the vSphere Environment (00:21:26) Every vSphere environment has its problems, although those problems often have to do with configuration mistakes. There are a set of known problems as well as common solutions that happen within every vSphere environment. Learn about just those solutions in this nugget, where you’ll explore how to track down and fix problems both big and small in your virtual infrastructure. 18. vCenter Server Performance Management & Alarms (00:14:41) It has been said that performance management is one of the most important parts of virtual infrastructure management. When you consolidate many physical hosts to few virtual hosts, you get greater optimization of resource use; but you also get a greater chance for resource overuse as well. You need to pay attention to your performance through real-time graphs and alerts if you’re to be successful. Learn exactly how in this nugget. 19. Configuring Security & Access Control in vCenter Server (00:15:16) You’re probably not the only member of your IT department, and as such you’re probably not the only person who will need access to your vSphere environment. Nailing down users, roles, rights, and permissions is easy in vCenter, if you know the tricks. In this nugget, you’ll learn about the two entirely-separate permissions structures that must remain in synch, as well as how to assign permitted activities to users. 20. Working with vNetwork Distributed Switches (00:15:16) Concluding this course is a special look at the new vNetwork Distributed Switch technology that is now available in vSphere 4.0. Using traditional network switches, you must be absolutely careful to ensure their similar configuration across the many ESX servers in your environment. Or, you can hook them all together with a vNetwork Distributed Switch and let vCenter handle all the work for you. Learn about this powerful new administration tool in this 20th and final nugget [/wpspoiler]
Кто знает, тот успешен
Mastering VMware View 5 and Preparing for the VCP510
Год выпуска: 2011CBT Nuggets Производитель: CBT Nuggets Автор: Greg Shields Продолжительность: 07:13:32 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Стоимость: 1999 рублей Описание: This VMware video training course with Greg Shields covers everything you need to know about the fifth version of VMware's popular virtualization product, including building and provisioning your first virtual desktop, troubleshooting a VMware view environment, and more! Related Area of Expertise: Virtualization Recommended skills: VCP-certified Strong knowledge of View, ThinApp and desktop virtualization Recommended equipment: VMware View 5 Related certifications: VMware VCP5-DT Related job functions: IT professionals Learn about virtualizing desktops with VMware View 5. Server virtualization? Yeah, you’ve got that topic nailed. Having virtualized servers atop VMware vSphere, you think you’re ready to branch out into desktop virtualization? Think again. Virtualizing desktops requires skills far beyond simple server virtualization. You’ve got storage contention to monitor, user state data to manage, login storms to prepare for, and a host of other problems unique to desktop VMs. Not to mention, you’ve also got a new product to learn: VMware View 5. You’ll learn which buttons to click in VMware's VDI platform, View 5. More importantly, you’ll learn WHY you should click those buttons – and in a few cases, why you absolutely shouldn’t. At the same time, you’ll get a leg up on studying for that all-important VMware VCP5-DT certification, focusing specifically on the VCP510-DT exam. Desktop virtualization is a huge effort in time and energies. Make sure yours are perfectly aligned for success. Join Greg in this short/sweet/to-the-point CBT Nuggets course that’ll ensure your VDI implementation passes the test. [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] 1. Introduction to VMware View, the VCAP-DT, and the VCP510-DT Exam (00:16:24) The skills required to successfully virtualize desktops are a superset of those required for servers. That’s why VMware’s VCAP-DT exam starts with the VCP. You’ve got to get skilled on VMware’s vSphere product first, before you’re ready for desktop virtualization with VMware View. In this Nugget, Greg introduces VMware View, helps you prepare your follow-along environment, outlines what you should prepare for, and introduces the VCP510-DT exam. 2. Understanding VMware View's Architecture and Components (00:20:17) You can’t start clicking buttons until you first recognize what you’re clicking…and why. That’s why Greg’s conversation on configuring VMware View continues in this Nugget with a high-level look at VMware View’s complete architecture. In it, Greg outlines each of the components you’ll be laying into place throughout the course, with the goal of giving you the high-level understanding of the desktop delivery system you’re about to construct. 3. Preparing for and Installing the View Connection Server (00:24:55) Now that you fully understand VMware View’s foundations, it’s time to begin installing software. In this Nugget, Greg starts with the installation of VMware View’s central nervous system, the View Connection Server. This server facilitates connecting users to their provisioned VMs, and serves as the foundation of VMware View operations. You’ll discover all its twists and turns throughout the course. In this Nugget, you’ll get it up and operational. 4. Building and Provisioning your First Virtual Desktop (00:23:00) Building your first virtual desktop image is a lot like building your first physical one. You’ve got to be careful with settings that will later be replicated to each copy of that image. Virtual desktops, however, require a few extra tricks. Certain services need disabling, as do processes. Also necessary is an installation of the View Agent. Greg will help you through the click-by-click as well as some of the best practices in this Nugget. 5. Configuring Pool Settings and Connecting to Virtual Desktops (00:27:00) With your first virtual desktop image ready, it’s time for deployment. With VMware View there are three major deployment options – Manual, Automatic with Full VMs, and Automatic with Linked Clone VMs. This Nugget starts with creating Manual pools, the easiest to comprehend of the three. In it, Greg explains how to create a Manual pool, and shows you what your users will eventually see when you move into production. 6. Managing Automated Pools with Full VMs (00:33:50) Manual pools have their uses, but they’ve got nowhere near the automation power of Automated pools. The second major deployment option – Automated Pools with Full VMs – uses vSphere templates for generating each desktop. In this Nugget, Greg shows you the step-by-step process to ready your template VM for deployment, and all the tricks you need to manage your first step into automated pools. 7. Installing View Composer and Managing Linked-Clone VMs (00:41:00) While full VMs might be easy to create, they’re a challenge to work with. They take a long time to create, and eat up storage space like crazy. Those and other reasons are why VMware’s third deployment option exists: Automated pools with Linked-Clone VMs. These aren’t the easiest to understand, so Greg spends plenty of time helping you through View Composer and giving you all the advice you need for success with Linked Clone VMs. 8. Understanding and Configuring RDP and PCoIP (00:21:41) Wondering about the differences between RDP and PCoIP? There are many, and different situations mandate one protocol over another. In this Nugget Greg talks about the important differences between RDP and PCoIP, helps you set up each protocol, and gives you the best practices in using either. You might be surprised which one you’ll choose in your own environment. 9. Installing View Transfer Server and Managing for Local Mode (00:25:38) When is a VDI not like a VDI? When it’s an offline VDI! Offline VDI and VMware View’s Local Mode share the same concepts. In it, virtual machine disk files are downloaded from a central storage location and run on local hardware. The approach isn’t for everyone, though. Greg helps you determine first if you need Local Mode, and then walks you through its installation and setup with View Transfer Server in this highly useful Nugget. 10. Creating and Working with a View Events Database (00:09:51) VMware View’s event database isn’t a component that’s installed with your first View Connection server installation. A separate install, the View Events Database, keeps track of who (and what) is doing what in your View infrastructure. Greg shows you its installation and configuration in this short Nugget. 11. Fitting Desktop Virtualization into your Application Delivery Infrastructure (00:23:45) Being successful with technologies like VMware View is so much more than just clicking buttons. That’s why Greg takes a step back in this extremely important Nugget to help you recognize VDI and desktop virtualization’s fit in your greater Application Delivery Infrastructure. He’ll walk you through the major delivery approaches in common use today, and help you figure out how VDI will best fit your users’ needs. This Nugget is one not to miss. It might just change everything you thought about desktop virtualization. 12. Creating ThinApp Virtual Applications (00:31:47) That last Nugget was strategic -- almost academic -- in the story it attempts to tell. Now, armed with a new appreciation for desktop virtualization’s fit into your greater application delivery infrastructure, you’re ready to start virtualizing applications. VMware’s solution for accomplishing the task is VMware ThinApp. First up is “the art” in creating ThinApp applications. In this Nugget, Greg shows you how the packaging process works, and gives a few useful pointers on best practices. 13. Integrating VMware ThinApp into VMware View (00:17:27) Getting your applications packaged into a ThinApp-ready format is merely the start. Next up is integrating those packages into your delivered desktops. Luckily, this second step is the easiest part of the process. In this Nugget, part three of his course on VMware application virtualization, Greg gives you the top tips in integrating your ThinApp apps into VMware View. You’ll discover how exactly to stream the apps your users need right into their desktop. 14. Managing User Settings with View Persona Management (00:18:38) Even the applications are only as good as their settings, and the user data that fills them. That’s why any conversation on VDI’s role in application delivery requires a look at managing user settings. If you’ve slogged through Windows Roaming Profiles at any point in the past, you know how challenging this activity can be. Thankfully, VMware View includes some special services, View Persona Management, that makes the process a bit (but maybe not a lot) easier. 15. Configuring Printing for View Desktops (00:15:18) So your datacenter is in Denver, but you’ve got a new branch office on Mars. How do you handle routing print jobs to the correct planet? A little help from VMware View and Group Policy will get you going. Printing in virtualized desktops requires many of the same decisions as printing in Terminal Services, Remote Desktop Services, or XenApp environments. Greg’s been working with Terminal Services since the days before it was even called Terminal Services. In this Nugget, he shares his decades-long experience as well as click-by-click instructions for printing success. 16. Managing for Kiosk Mode (00:14:51) Every virtual desktop requires some piece of hardware at the client side. Makes sense, right? I mean, there’s got to be something there for the user to interact with. Typically this will be a computer, thin client, or zero client that’s dedicated to a user. Sometimes, however, it’ll be a device that’s out in the open. These “kiosk” devices don’t typically require a logon, and are usually shared by multiple users. VMware View comes equipped with special authentication and handling for such devices. Greg shows you how to set it up in this important Nugget. 17. Installing and Configuring View Security Server for External Clients (00:13:18) Everything you’ve learned thus far about VMware View assumes your users are on your LAN. But the RDP and PCoIP protocols are both well-suited for WAN connections as well, those from the nasty, dirty, unsecured, and untrustworthy Internet. Securing those connections requires extra effort and the help of a View Security Server. In this security-minded Nugget Greg talks about the special considerations and specific configurations that extend your VDI infrastructure to the Internet. 18. Integrating Certificates and Smart Cards into VMware View (00:29:11) Tired of all the certificate errors and message boxes that are par for the course when using self-signed certificates? Have you looked through VMware’s documentation and found yourself even more confused than when you started? Interested in supporting Smart Cards for user authentication? If you’ve got Certificate Services installed on a Windows Server somewhere, this Nugget gives you the step-by-step recipe – down to the exact commands to enter – that’ll replace those self-signed certificates with real ones that all your clients will trust. 19. Configuring View Roles and Permissions (00:11:21) Administrative privileges in VMware View lean on a Role-based Access Control system that’s impressive in concept yet strangely complex in implementation. In fact, there’s a good chance that the more time you spend with Roles, Administrators, Privileges, Permissions, and Folders in VMware View, the more it’ll confuse you. Save yourself the time, effort, and brainpower by watching this video. In it, Greg deconstructs View’s RBAC model, gives you a handy cheat sheet you’ll want to print out, and walks you through its use in various use cases. 20. Troubleshooting a VMware View Environment (00:14:20) You can’t do a CBT Nuggets course without at least one Nugget on troubleshooting. Nor can you pass the VCP510-DT exam without some troubleshooting skills and experience. While teaching the troubleshooting topic can be challenging, pointing out some of View’s useful data collection tools absolutely is. In this final Nugget, Greg shows you how to create data dumps for troubleshooting, as well as how to work with VMware View’s backups system for the day that everything crashes to a halt. [/wpspoiler]
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VMware Certified Professional Подготовка к сертификату VCP (2014)
[caption id="attachment_734" align="alignright" width="300"]VMware VMware[/caption] Год выпуска: 2014 Продолжительность: 13:00:00 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Русский Стоимость: 2999 рублей Описание: Современный IT-рынок остро нуждается в квалифицированных специалистах по виртуализации и облачным вычислениям. Технологии виртуализации используются повсеместно для организации сложных сетевых инфраструктур, для создания корпоративного облака и работы с центрами обработки данных. Курс "VMware vSphere Certified Professional" является официальным курсом VMware для подготовки к престижному сертификату VCP 5 Datacenter Virtualization. По мнению авторитетного интернет-портала TechRepublic, VCP-5 входит в тройку лучших IT-сертификатов 2013 года!   [wpspoiler name="Подробное описание" ] Модуль 1. Программный Центр Обработки Данных Модуль 2. Создание ВМ Модуль 3. VMware vCenter Server Модуль 4. Настройка и управление виртуальными сетями Модуль 5. Настройка и управление системами хранения (СХД) Модуль 6. Управление BM Модуль 7. Авторизация и управление доступом Модуль 8. Управление распределением и контроль использования ресурсов Модуль 9. Высокая доступность и отказоустойчивость Модуль 10. Масштабируемость инфраструктуры vSphere Модуль 11. Управление обновлениями Модуль 12. Установка компонентов VMware vSphere [/wpspoiler]  
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